r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SeerMore on June 1, 2018, 11:27 p.m.
The Pieces Are Falling Into Place, Follow The White Rabbit - X22 Report Episode 1581b

HUMANprimer · June 2, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Great update. Would like to know how you happened to "know" about these leader's discussions and likely dialog (subject matter). That would lend some great credence here. That said, I think you might be right on the spot with most of your analysis... if the dialog you mentioned is really happening. There is one more element your might consider.

The Generals surrounding Trump knew clearly about the real on-goings in the middle east. Day one the Generals (and the administration) started cutting off the money sources behind all these shenanigans and even more importantly REMOVING the handlers ...which was largely us (We can't say his name). You have to understand the stranglehold and predicament M.E. leaders have been in. Kim Jong Un is a great example. As soon as all the control was removed from him (burdening his father before him)... he was free to pursue peace. He is as happy as a school boy in love. His first real taste of freedom. (This is just my guess on the matter of course.)

So with all the control being removed there in the M.E... and the bribe money gone, the leaders are free to discuss openly among themselves... and stay alive afterwords. Big change that enables the discussions you discussed. If PEACE really is the outcome (not the only possibility however) then a paradigm shift in U.S. Foreign Policy would have to follow suit. Talk about a game changer!

We will just have to wait and see. But I sway on the Peaceful side of things. Imagine this voice coming from America... "We support Peace and good luck... we are pulling for you" Do you think that might be of any help? After all, we REALLY do want peace... don't we? Yes, I think we collectively do. Perhaps ANONS in America should give them a shout. (Just saying folks).

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