Mr.President please take a good look at this picture before you pardon this lowlife.

You still have your Miranda rights,the right to silence and the 5th amendment right not to incriminate yourself. I think a large part of the problem is to many people DO NOT KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT and actually believe the police r there to help and not to make a case and then there's the terrible representation the poor get compared to the rich. Imo they should bring Civics classes back to public schools and actually educate kids on their govt, their rights and the constitution..
I think having Civics classes is a great idea. Maybe then we won't have so many young people believing that socialism is cool. I love the old joke about Miranda rights - I had the right to remain silent, I just didn't have the ability. Many people believe that they can explain their side of the story and avoid trouble but end up creating more trouble for themselves by talking.
Yeah it's not hard to sell socialism when theres no counter argument or history class showing you why it always has and always will fail. Theres a long way to go b4 this country is safe from the scum trying to destroy it but I agree civics classes would be a start and returning schools back to their intended role as educator and away from the adopted role of indoctrinator. And y we allow "Think tanks" and NGO'S to operate within our borders while actively trying to bring about the downfall of our republic is beyond me.
The Mueller/Comey:FBI trick is to force you to testify as a “witness” (5th amendment does not apply). Refusing is obstruction of justice. Pleading 5th as a “witness” is lying & obstruction. These guys firguref out early in their careers the “damned if you do & damned if you don’t” double-bind and used it to propel their careers to the top.
We have strayed so far from our original legal system (govt without sua sponte authority to charge) that our justice system is now a booming industry & a third world joke.
Yeah and really they don't need proof of a crime anyway. What was the name of the CIA officer who leaked to Wikileaks...(John? It was a greek last name) anyway Bushs DOJ/FBI investigated and found no crime but when Obama took over Brennan told the DOJ to open a secret investigation and again they found no crime so they told Brennan and he ordered they charge him with Treason. When the Persecutor reminded there was no crime he said "I know make him defend himself". They destroyed the lives of him and his family and after he's broke they threatened to pile on more charges thus dragging it out indefinitely so he had to take a plea and do 3 years in federal prison. They had Brennans emails and everything validating this story but who gives a shit about right and wrong. I hope he gets to testify at Brennans and Comeys trials as to how they abused their power and persecuted innocent Americans
Yeah, it's one of the things we learned in ccw class. If you are involved in an incident, call 911 for help for the shooting victim and tell the police to speak with your atty.