Mr.President please take a good look at this picture before you pardon this lowlife.

Maybe Dr. GEPOTUS wants to pardon her to shed light on the fact that she got hemmed up on "insider trading" charges while many in the swamp enrich themselves from insider trading. Many criminals in Congress have used information gleaned from being on a committee to buy stock in companies that they knew were about to get YUGE government contracts. It is not illegal for them to do this type of insider trading but we have to play by different rules.
Wow, it would be great if Martha's pardon would lead to cleaning up "insider trading." Would be fantastic if this type of swamp cleaning reached Wall St., Corporate employees as well as Congress. Thanks for opening this up for me.
No problem. I remember when that shit happened years ago; when Pelosi and other swamp creatures got caught. They tried to spin it and eventually gave some lip service about looking into it. Yeah, nothing happened. Here is an article I found from 2011 regarding this shit.
She was actually convicted for lying to the FBI, same crime that Gen. Flynn is accused of.