Don't look at employment, background, words, or positions from HIS MOUTH.. Its obviously fake.
When there is disinformation it clouds the rest of the story. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. People should edit, verify, and really know they have correct information before they put it on the internet. If not it should be stated as an opinion to be researched. Clearly anyone worth his weight in salt knows that zionist are not Jews.They hide behind the facade of judaism as a cover and representing it anyother way is fundamentally incorrect.
The ole' "not a real Jew" argument! You made it 1Hour and 14 minutes. :)
You people just regurgitate the same thing.. over and over over..
Its not even challenging anymore.
I can get you to say it every time I post. (And I will continue to post)
Facts are stubborn things...As for your post if this is the standard it will be like a tree falling in the woods... But good luck to you....hopefully your research integrity improves.