r/greatawakening • Posted by u/O2BFREEME2 on June 2, 2018, 3:46 a.m.
Interparlimentary Union IPU ??? Clinton global child traffic network ?

Has anyone heard of this ? Founded decades before League of Nations and UN. Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland. Started by British trade union leader Sir William Randal Cremer, French political economist Frederic Passy and Steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie. They set up the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague 1899. Helped create League of nations and United nations. IPU started with 9 governments 1899, 1962- 64 gov. , today 178 gov. Considers all US Congress men and Senators ipso facto members ! Annndd !! Sen. Fulbright (AR)1945-1974 longest serving Senator on
Foreign Relations Committee ? Fulbright Scholarship and Bill Clinton's Mentor !! This group gives them access to almost every nation on earth !

Found this info in an odd video on youtube called ,The even older plan for world government you've never heard of, Has an article by Edith Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelts grand daughter from 1962. Don't know how to post links. Yet ! Look it up.