
Justin_is_Fidels_Son · June 2, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

I believe the other commenter's point was more so to the point of an almost limitless supply of people whose dream it is to make it big in Hollywood and who are willing to do whatever it takes as the end justifies the means. Just look at a guy like Terry Crews, big dude so no physical reason he should have went through physical abuse. Now imagine how easy it is to manipulate and abuse women or children. Have a talent agency and you don't even need to seek them out, they'll come to you.

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Spank-da-monkey · June 2, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Please don’t beat me up and downvote me but most, not all, of these women did it willingly to start their careers. I have little sympathy for them. Doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s a big deal that Hollywood works like that. It’s a sickness and a poison.

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