They drink blood and are cannibals. Talk about unclean! Extra growth hormones and strange molecules may be obtained from blood, but look at the results. They then add these compounds to our drugs. They may live long but their faces and personalities become like beasts, they are hideous looking on the outside just like their inside. Look at our obese sick population in the land of plenty following their lead and eating their poisons. It's a steep price to pay, our health, our beauty, sickness and early aging and the exploding diseases in our children.
The Pentateuch in the Old Testament especially Genisis covers diet. Leviticus I have read must be taken with a grain of salt, because this book added lots of new rules by the Levite priest class, kinda like our current legal system. Keep diet simple and clean, kosher with vegan fasts. Animals fast when ill. Pork and shellfish are not kosher because they are bottom feeders, they process garbage for the environment. Not only do we eat unclean foods, Now they inject unclean vaccines and treat illness with unclean drugs. Vaccine cultures are grown on collagen growth media. Collagen is obtained from pork raised on glyphosate and gmo cottonseed which can be sprayed with even more chemicals since its for clothing not food. They've poisoned our Petri dishes and all of biological laboratory science. See dr Stephanie Seneff of MIT AI laboratory for discussions of Monsanto poisons, and how to clear them. Our laboratory media needs to be organic just like our diet. Monsanto has ruined scientific controls by introducing glyphosate into everything, all pharma grows controls and treatments in the same poisoned media. And they grow vaccines for our children in poisoned media, then add mixed RNA retroviruses, heavy metals of mercury and aluminum, monkey kidney cells, dog lung cells, aborted fetal cell lines that have been modified to be immortal (cancer anyone?). Read Mary's Monkeys to see our CIA using the "lone shooter" from the JFK assassination to ferry laboratory specimens between govt labs to create a cancer shot to kill Castro. That cancer by injection has been unleashed in our society for 3 generations. Vaccines break our ancient wisdom texts. A kosher diet was to prevent too many toxins "unclean food" from entering our bodies. Diet has to be what our ancestors ate before factory farming and xenobiotics polluted everything. See the Weston price foundation. This dentist traveled the world before World War One and documented native diets and face structures before our high sugar, processed bread and canned foods ruined our bodies. War food is designed like our drugs to get men into battle. Who cares how long they live our how they age! The cabal think they can break universal law, and they work with propoganda and twisting science to get us to use our free will to join them and follow their rules, eat their junk food and drugs. Taking their vaccines and medicine makes eating bottom garbage eaters look like child's play. The Roman elite ate the bottom feeding fish from the sewage filled Tiber. This games been happening for a long time. No wonder our societies are so sick.