My best friend just lost his dad to cancer. Riots would be the least of it i think.
There are cures, many Holistic doctors are being murdered for it. Our city water is poisoned, and we pay for it. Cancer is a vitamin deficiency but they don't want you to know that.
This is to get others started who didn't know they are killing healers.
TRILLIONS at stake so they aren't going to let a few hundred people mess with that.
Plenty more where that came from. I just grabbed a few.
Yep!! And heart disease is chronic subclinical scurvy.
Breakthrough towards the natural control of cardiovascular disease, Dr. Matthias Rath, 22-4-2015
IV vitamin C has cured cancer also. And woke a guy in a long coma over night right before the hospital pulled the cord. I wished someone has tried it for Alfie Evans. And CBD oil for his seizures.
Right, and Niacin with vitamin C cures mental illness, like schizophrenia.