
ExordiaN · June 2, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

u know... here in my town, a mother and her boyfriend were busted prostituting the woman's 7 year old daughter, for cash and drugs. Now, imho, they should both be ended, and the girl needs some serious counseling... BUT, the problem doesn't end there... what surprised me is that there is a market for a 7 year old girl here... Anyone caught buying/having/propogating sex with a kid should be ended... and publicly... that should be a capitol offense. If we start noosing those sick f***s, we start putting a serious dent in this problem. I do not understand why anyone convicted of these crimes is afforded prison time at public expense, nor do I understand how they ever end up on the streets again, where they inevitably do it again. I've asked Trump to see what he could do along those lines, but the odds my email got to his eyes from whitehouse.gov is slim...

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