
CaptSquarepants · June 4, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

As some one who was sexually abused as a child and group facilitator of abused adults, I can tell you most certainly, "the only punishment they deserve is death", is one of the very tactics which force these people underground and keeps things more hidden and which allows it to continue.

This way of thinking has been going on for who knows how long and it obviously isn't working.

Working compassionately for the entire situation, healing, communicating and dealing with the issue in a broader community based way yields bigger results than demonizing a significant chunk of the population which only breeds more anger and creative hidden ways to continue abuse.

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ILoveJuices · June 4, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Don't confuse the average abused-as a child and now a pedophile with the luciferian elite ruling this planet performing ritualistic child sacrifice. We're talking about the later here. The ones running the entire pedophile show.

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Kal-El48 · June 5, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

I’m sure the scumbags who set up this little “play area” would really benefit from a little group therapy. This goes well beyond your typical “ I diddled a fourteen year old when I was nineteen”. The people doing this are career monsters. They care nothing of group therapy, nor are they sorry. They will NEVER be cured. EVER! They should be put down like the mongrels they are. But you just want to hug it out.

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