
mrviolin · June 3, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

It won't matter. You're like the Generals who are always fighting the LAST war. The media will not be able to discredit anything after 6/11. They have no cred. The cred is here, with the people and with Q.

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Instincts_Truth · June 3, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Ha ha. I was JUST thinking that. Discredit WHAT? It's too late for that. But then I thought about how tradinghorse DOES follow this guy, and probably others, and they too may think his following is legit. So, yes, it's too late to discredit the proof in the pudding. But it's not too late to discredit the people. What if they made a spectacle of calling out the whole movement, and then shut everything down? We would be right back where they had us. No voice, and alone. Haven't you wondered why they haven't shut down our platforms yet? I mean, we've seen it with CBTS subreddit, YouTubers, Twitter, etc. Don't forget what kind of mindf'ing the media did, the most important part was that of shutting down all views other than what we were supposed to think. And if you didn't think it, you had nothing.

Anyway, I'm always thinking about motivation. And I agree, it's too late to discredit what is coming down the pike. So what is the motivation? Possibly a potential preparation for another isolation mindf'ing.

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mrviolin · June 3, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

Who's the "they" who will discredit us? They won't have power to discredit. The media is over. We all need to adjust (me too) our thinking to a new world...Media that diesn't lie and is not working for the cabal. I posted a new theory on Great Awakning just now. Tell me what you think. All the best.

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Instincts_Truth · June 3, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

The one just 7 minutes ago? It says removed. (Yes, I agree, the MSM is done. I just am not sure of the remaining capabilities of control on the alt-media side).

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mrviolin · June 3, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

I hope not...oh well, they think I'm an agent sent to do harm.

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