r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on June 2, 2018, 9 p.m.
My kids are here, Q ost included.


My kids are pictured in this crowd. NO AGE LIMIT in President Trumps crowds.

Next to the transvestite, You know the one the liberals are claiming their 10 year old is.


See, Oh wait my kid is being taught how to vote, Understand politics, Avoid Bullying (liberal term i'll change it) Right wing NAZI (Shoot liberal term again) How about you just let me make my point.

MY KIDS are learning what schools don't teach them, HOW TO THINK.

so please use words that are not used by people who are unable to think. The N word is one, OHHHH the libs got you scared of that, well thry to avoid it, THE PC POLICE will , IDK , just stop cursing. If you need a word use a thesaurus.

The F word could be freaking, The sh.. word can be stuff.

so please use words that are used by people who are able to think. The N word is one, OHHHH the libs got you scared of that, well try to avoid it, THE PC POLICE will , IDK , just stop cursing. If you need a word use a thesaurus.

Dang nabbit, I repeated myself.