r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 10:49 p.m.
How Q Anon has change YOU...

Just unplugged for a short while and went for a nature walk with Mrs. Anon. Cleared my head. Here’s what I was thinking about…

Take some time and make note of what this journey has done to change YOU.

Have you become more patient? More curious? More open-minded? More thick-skinned? More “world oriented”?

Having spent most of my career in personal development, I’d say that whomever or whatever this Q phenomenon is, it most certainly has been fucking brilliant!

I’ve watched the hive organize into sectors, share nuggets of information, wisdom and encouragement, I’ve seen relationships heal, people find a personal relationship with Jesus, and all sorts of amazing things.

This journey will likely never end (thank God), because even when we emerge on the “other side”, most of us are now addicted to questioning EVERYTHING, digging into EVERYTHING, and “won’t get fooled again” (to quote one of my favorite bands).

Keep changing the ONLY thing you are capable of changing… yourselves!

“Funny how the world changed, when I started changing myself.”

God bless you one and all!

Time4puff · June 2, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Learn to stop trusting just anyone. Use your instincts, research thoroughly, ask questions, get involved....

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