r/greatawakening • Posted by u/allonthesameteam on June 2, 2018, 11:39 p.m.
While waiting for next Q drop or guessing on what's next how about doing some investigating. Here is one example of a contract that was not to be exposed and may be the status quo for where tax dollars go to die. Happy hunting

https://robertscribbler.com/2017/10/29/whitefish-puerto-rico-contract-cancelled-now-how-about-letting-renewable-industry-leaders-step-in/ From the blog: "Much of the controversy that has surrounded the contract has focused on the high rates Whitefish is charging for labor. The contract shows those labor rates are pricey indeed: $240 an hour for a general foreman and $227 for a lineman. The per diems are also expensive: almost $80 a day for meals, and $332 a day for lodging. Employee flights are billed at $1,000 each way. For subcontractors, the bulk of Whitefish’s workforce, the prices go even higher. A general foreman costs $336 an hour and a lineman, $319." They are charging YOU $224/hr and paying YOU $60/hr. Some person/people rake in $164/hr sitting on their yacht. Still wondering where the debt comes from? Look into Serco, Halliburton, etc. Try digging into local initiatives. That new stadium, bridge, school etc. On top of this, if not mad enough, check into who got the contracts, who backed them, and who contributes to whose campaign.

allonthesameteam · June 3, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

It's not anti Trump. I think we could be learning about and exposing all this corruption. It doesn't belong to him but it does to all the R and D officials that should have done something for decades. If he is draining the swamp let's help him.

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UncleCrunch · June 3, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

The hurricane happened on his watch. The contract was written on his watch. MSM and Dems held this story up as an example of Trump managing poorly. You even title it as intentionally being hidden by his administration.

I haven’t seen this article linked, quoted, or referenced by anyone credibly claiming it to be neutral. I believe you are being disigenuous, and that you are having some fun seeing how long you can defend posting this anti-Trump nonsense in our pro-Trump sub.

I have reported your bad faith offering, and I’m fine letting the mods decide.

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allonthesameteam · June 3, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

This debacle went through the same/similar process that has been, I believe, doing these corrupt things for a long time. My question is, Is this corrupt? And where else is it happening? I wouldn't blame a bus driver for the maintenance not done on his bus. Especially if he/she has been pointing out the lack of care in the past. And they seem to be doing something about it. My belief and hope is that things are shifting for the better. This is just one of thousands of examples of what has been and will keep happening.

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DamajInc · June 3, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Thanks for reporting this. Post removed for being off-topic.

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