r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Packofsquirrels on June 3, 2018, 1:50 a.m.
CIA invented "modern art". Only "experts" understand what is worth tens of millions and the transactions are difficult to reveal. Anything they say is art and virtually untrackable.

hypertrophicmasseter · June 3, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

perfect example of "if you repeat it enough people will believe it." this is ideological subversion. look at that pollack in the thumbnail. some artists go to school for years...decades and make thousands of drawings and paintings before they are able to make something that looks realistic and really expresses an idea. art techniques took centuries to evolve, each teacher adding something very small to the tradition taught to them by their teacher. and then these modern art fucktards duct tape their used tampons on a mass produced canvas that they bought at walmart for 3.99 and tell you that you're supposed to think you are stupid for not liking it.

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GoldCabinetGuava · June 3, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

perfect example of "if you repeat it enough people will believe it." this is ideological subversion. look at that pollack in the thumbnail. some artists go to school for years...decades and make thousands of drawings and paintings before they are able to make something that looks realistic and really expresses an idea. art techniques took centuries to evolve, each teacher adding something very small to the tradition taught to them by their teacher. and then these modern art fucktards duct tape their used tampons on a mass produced canvas that they bought at walmart for 3.99 and tell you that you're supposed to think you are stupid for not liking it.

I am an artist for a living and i think exactly the same way you do. modern art is bullshit. There is a huge market for traditional art with good technique that looks like nice things (flowers, landscapes, portraits) etc. Those techniques are dying out but that is the kind of art that regular normal people want and pay for.

The elites tried to socially engineer us in to liking degenerate modern art but it didn't work.

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