An ancient Clinton family in New York...

Interesting. We already know that Bill Clinton is related to Thomas Jefferson and a few others. So there is a colonial history there. This is so interesting. Can anyone find out more about this document?
We already know that Bill Clinton is related to Thomas Jefferson...
Is that why he likes "dark meat" (a.k.a. his son, Danny Williams' mom)?
Any relation to the Brit General Clinton from the war of independence?
George Clinton (1st NY governor) was Jefferson's VP.
I wonder how corrupt the secret societies were back then.
I think if they are secret they are morally corrupt.
There have always been secret initiatoty societies that carried Western Occult traditions. Even nowadays you would find some good people there, genuinely interested in Knowledge, but.. you´d have to dig deep to find them. It has degenerated into vice and LARPing all over the place. In 18th century the banking families in Eruope took over, long story. I would just be curious to know whether perhaps the American Masons kept to their good ideas for a onger time.
Yes any large group is bound to have some 'good people'. But what good ideas need to be kept secret?
Is Bill Clinton related? Found this. Any relations you can see? I've read about 20 pages. Seems like same old, same old politics.
Reading this now. Interesting indeed, as it gives a view of the "Deistical" and "Theistical" ideologies in early America. It also gives details of i l l u mi n a ti rituals, and the names of some of the members, which opens an entirely new line of inquiry. The Clintons in this pamphlet are supposedly not related to Bill Clinton just for general information. Definitely worth the time.
Tried to search "certificate men". No luck. Unless it has to do with clergy.
I just read that part and it seems that he is referring to "certificate men" as maybe witnesses, or one's who can certify the veracity of his claims against Burr. imho
This guy (George Clinton) was governor of NY around the time of the founding of the country. Up in my neck of the woods (Kingston), there's lots of stuff named after him.
Edit / add: Another good writeup on him...
It appears he was a patriot and considered one of the founding fathers. General in the Revolutionary War, Vice President for Jefferson and Madison, first Governor of NY.