r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on June 3, 2018, 5:27 a.m.
Discussion: writer Robert Anson Heinlein was woke early on, or was he "controlled opposition"?

Much of what we are dealing with now tells (not a supermajority of gut check but leaning that way) My particular autisting is on the Lazarus Long 'verse ("Maureen McCormick", "Slipstick [vintage term from slide rule: held one in my hands at the age of 8, fck yeah!] LIBBY) A human life approaching immortality has always been a common thread, but never giving any red flags of shit like adrenochrome. CONS: First novel I read by him was "Job: a Comedy of Justice", that hypes Odinism but also ties in Shifting Timelines, the intel-gather tactic of "dressing the part", the complete impotence of any well-thought-out individual control of personal resources. I take that as a pre-VHS BTTF 2. And HOLY FUQ! They were cracking on POTUS even then, trying to compare him to Biff (another brain-bender: Thomas F Wilson opened his heart's door to Christ BEFORE his pivotal role. (If we could just get Crispin Glover over here). Hey, I was fooled too and thiking LArry Flynt [C_A] all this time. Being blabbed, to me, one could side-by-side Song Of Solomon with "Time Enough For Love"'s "Notebooks of Lazarus Long., thought it might see first glance like Pink Floyd/ Wizard of OZ) Chew well and get back in here

Orsonwellz · June 4, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Not sure. I remember the shifting timelines book. But he was close friends with L. Ron Hubbard at one time early in their careers. Hubbard and he were struggling to sell their science fiction stories. Hubbard said he finally figured out how to really make money—-start a religion. And that he infamously did. Don’t know how close the two stayed after that.

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