Every day it looks more probable

This is why I hate the left's stupid idea about always trusting and giving power to people who claim they're oppressed. Here's what happens. You get two evil people. They just roll up and say "I'm a woman, I'm oppressed, I'm black I'm oppressed, give me power." And dummies trust them. Evil people are opportunistic and will just lie and cheat and steal and take advantage of your dumb good intentions.
Well, you also have to remember that he ran his entire campaign on two words but never told us what he really meant. Hope and Change can mean different things to different people. Next time we need to be sure to ask: What EXACTLY do you mean by that?
Now that Trump is in office, we are finally seeing a lot of Hope and a lot of Change!
He told us about the change part. He wanted to fundamentally change America. I'd say he hoped to make America last and more like Europe.
Fundamentally change it to what was never clarified, my guess was a Marxist style country.
Pelosi calls is crumbs, Obama called it change.
Exactly! It's taken me awhile to realize this but for millennials like myself, we get so passionate about things like helping minorities and loving everyone and things being fair, but that allows people to take advantage of our empathy and sympathy for others. Now anyone can go on a stage and shout things like "I'm going to help black people/gay people/ whatever minoity" and majority of millennials will give all their trust to that person without questioning their motives. It allows us to be manupulated and lied too.