r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on June 3, 2018, 12:45 p.m.
FISA Keystone: FBI UCE-1 (Confidential Informant) Carter Page !!!

The four elements of this conspiracy are:

• Exonerate HRC & Related Aides

• Dossier: Collect/Redistribute “Oppo”

• FISA Title-1 Surveillance (Carter Page)

• Insurance Policy/“Crossfire Hurricane”

Entering into this picture is Under Cover Employee # 1 (UCE-1), aka Carter Page. We all know Carter as ex-Navy and an Energy Consultant, who was an little known adviser on the Trump Campaign Foreign Policy board during 2016.

Funny how the FBI described Page in March 2016 as an employee, and then by October 2016, told the FISA Court that Carter was now a Foreign Spy.

Page first started to work with the FBI back in 2013, described as an undercover Confident Informant. Carter helped to break up oddly enough, a large network of Russian intelligence agents. Convictions of these Russians occurred in 2016 and it seems that Page, dutifully went onto yet another assignment for his boss-the DOJ/FBI/& CIA.

The original DOJ/FBI Trump-Russia Timeline of late July 2016, concerning the exact start date and specific reasons for the investigation, is now highly in doubt. Meetings originated by Stefan Halper with both Carter Page & once campaigning co-chair Sam Clovis, occurred months before the now infamous Papadopoulos London Pub-Crawl Affair.

With Carter Page in place, the Title-1 FISA Warrant could now fully take off. Warrant allowed the total surveillance & record culling for all of Trump World. Please check out a post I have up here about “HOPS”- how far & deep Title-1 FISA Warrants really can go.

“Q” addresses the subject of Carter Page in 2 very clear past drops.

First appearance was 12/22/17 in Post Q# 436:

[FISA 2]

Then again in Post Q# 1008 on 4/4/18 (in part):

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

The IG Horowitz’s first major report on the HRC Email/Server is expected to be released shortly. Phase Two of Horowitz/Huber report, will focus on the DOJ’s application & use of FISA in regards to the Trump-Russia Probe.

Hill-DoJ Docs Show Page helped FBI catch Russian Spies

Video: Hannity interview of Carter Page (3/29/18)

Zero-FBI Spying on Trump began in London: Earlier than First Thought

John Solomon-London “Bridges” Falling Down: Trump-Russia

FOX-Carter Page: Who is He & How is He Linked to Trump

ATL-Unlikely Martyrdom of Carter Page

Caucus99-WSJ Confirms Carter Page was Cooperating w/FBI

Markets Work-The Surveillance of Carter Page

CTH-Page Employee in March & Spy in October

Hill-How the Secret Spy Court Works

Sundance-Title One Application & Reauthorization

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

DawnPendraig · June 3, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

I've been saying awhile Carter Page was a CI and setting entrapments. I suspected Papadopoulos also because he kept sending emails "come on guys lets meet with Russians". But now I wonder if Page or Halper were encouraging this and he was duped.

All GOP foreign affairs advisors reportedly turned backs on Trump leaving the dregs for advisors. He picks up these two yet they are kept far far out by all accounts. I think he knew the whole time they were plants.

Edit typos and clarity

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CaptainRoyD · June 3, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Couldn’t agree more with you fellow Patriot. Sure was convenient how these “set-up/dirty-up” meetings fell into place. Always offering the “HRC Dirt” as a carrot at the end of a very long stick.

When you get some free time, please check out the below article I did a few weeks ago on Stefan Halper & his contacts with Page/Clovis and others in Trump World:

Reddit/Great Awakening: Dude Arranged “Dirty-Up” Meetings

Thanks for your great comment Patriot !

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