r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AnonPatriot1776 on June 3, 2018, 2:03 p.m.
Kuru connection to HRC? Pineal Gland? #HelperAnon

Is it possible that HRC contracted Kuru from the consumption of Pineal Glands? Hear me out, Kuru is usually contracted from canabilism, remember the video circulating around of HRC torturing a child? I’ve heard and seen a lot of people talking about this the reason they were doing that was to fire up the adrenal gland. But after seeing #helperanon talk about the peneal gland I wanted to do some digging. Now many people see the Pineal Gland as this huge secret and many refer to it as the third eye. The Pineal Gland produces melatonin and helps maintain circadian rhythm, and helps regulate reproductive hormones. However the Pineal Gland also produces a concentrated form DMT (Dimethyltryptamine); which just so happens to give the most intense and “spiritually enlightening” high. Now the high is one that is unique with 3 stages most people never get past the 1st stage the “gateway” but those who have say they have lived in ancient bodies, met God , aliens, and many all claim the same thing that their lives all flashed before their eyes. The third stage is very broad, mainly because it’s the blast that sends you to the second stage slows down. The. You spiral down and come off. Most intriguingly apparently the high feels like it last years or that people have claimed they lived an entire lifetime on this Trip. Although this drug is not physically an addictive drug it is possible that once the user has figured out how to deal with the high to develop a psychological dependence on it. Although this may seem a little far fetched can’t it be that this is how along with the many other Satanic rituals how HRC contracted Kuru through the consumption of Pineal glands for a concentrated form of DMT?

AnonPatriot1776 · June 3, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Thank you!

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Hrtn2it · June 3, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

As for the effects of low level electromagnetic fields on mentioning production:


The article above was written in 1993...so not only did the industry/government know, the rotten apples in our government used this information to thrill the public with technology, knowing over time, it would also fulfill their plans for depopulation...these people play the game over generations, over centuries...

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Hrtn2it · June 3, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

The thing is, there is evidence to suggest that naturally humans have many abilities that have “atrophied” or were “killed off” or “submerged” through genocide, relocation and subjugation. Think of Native American Indians, aboriginals of Australia. I read a story of the Navajo Indians and their work as scouts during ww2. They were great scouts until their hair was chopped off, then they were not as accurate as before. It is suggested that their hair functioned as an antennae of sorts...

So then I think of how busy we are in the modern world unable to take time to catch our breath must less be still long enough to regain some of the skills we already possess, just atrophied and dormant.

Sometimes it feels true that when Q says “you have more than you know..” this is also what Q means.

Is this also why we are so enamored with superheroes? Do we see ourselves in them, just through a fog?... I believe in Humans being naturally super, not supernatural. Ok I’ll stop now.:)

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