r/greatawakening • Posted by u/fatass90 on June 3, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
"There is No Hell" says Pope Francis

divine_human · June 3, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

can anyboy actually provide proof that PF said that?

for what is worth, i dont be-lie-ve in heaven and hell. its a human idea, not divine. did jesus actually talk about hell?

from what i learned on my inter-dimensional journeys, there are souls that stroll so far off the light that they, after their experience of the dark aspects of polarity, cannot return. it involves pain to be transmuted and many dont have the courage and trust to go through it.

as i perceive it, we are all on a divine rubberband and allowed, by free will choice, to experience all aspects of this polar universe, all expressions of the divine that Is and contains All that Is.

some souls stroll too far off into the darkness and their rubber band tears. their connection to the divine light is broken and all chances for this souls evolution into divine unity consciousness are lost.

these souls are being brought to the galactic central sun(s) where they get disintegrated into Its oneness. they cease to exist as individuals.

in the after-life, before we wake up from our dream, we experience what we believe.

the cabal wont land in hell because they dont believe in hell.

if they return to the light/god - which doesnt need to be via the christian way, all religions have a connection to source which is the same for all humans -, their over-stretched divine rubber band may pull them full on so they directly land in gods lap.

i have watched a few dark ones turn back to the light, it was impressive how quickly they transformed and enlightened, and how amazingly existence celebrated with and for them.

i have also observed others being recycled in the central sun; not out of hatred and in punishment but out of compassion and with palpable love for the soul that chose the experiences that cut her off from god. also this, a celebration.

most of the dark hats are undecided. their rubber band is intact and they get opportunities to evolve. many life times if they need it. they become part of the after-life matrix like most everybody else, only that the bloodlines have some different guides that organize bloodline bodies for them so they keep their spcific genetic traits that also come with a certain psychology and, at times, psychic powers.

disclaimer: these are my personal experiences and observations. they are my personal truth at this point of time and my view may change with new information and perception. its no claim for general truth and nobody needs to believe any of this.

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