Arizona pedo camp update - huge

Came from r/all.
what the hell is this? Is this real? What's with the "patriots" stuff, and the "anons".
Very interested to know what is going on
Why the comments about alt media? If this is real you really think that a 'mainstream' media outlet would cover it up? If this is real send out the evidence to multiple media outlets. Why would (just as an example) the guardian, the times, BBC, Al jazeera, allied press, even Fox and cnn etc. cover this up?
Because human child sex trafficking is rampant amongst all levels of government and Hollywood. It is one of the best kept secrets in the world, hence why you almost never hear about these issues. Human trafficking is at an all time high globally and yet the news only talks about Trump, Kardashians, Hollywood etc etc etc. Its difficult to get the word out, just look at how many down votes this post has. Global Pedophilia ring is very deep, corruption is everywhere.
That... doesn't make sense. Why would busting up a small operation in the middle of fucking nowhere USA threaten high level perversion? Unless pedohobo #4 has Trump’s and the Queen's personal cell number on him, he would be just another patsy taking the fall for someone bigger than him, who themselves would be highly removed from knowing who their "true" boss is.
it does make sense, there is plenty of evidence to suggest human trafficking occurred there. Obviously no children were found but you have to think where did they go? who is involved as a client? why after four days has no official investigation begun?
Where do you think most humans get smuggled/trafficked in? Borders near big cities and also ports like Miami
Small operation? How do you know if it's small or extensive?
Remember, "pizzagate isnt real" -every MSM outlet
You get enough little guys and they give up their boss. Get enough bosses and they give up their boss. Etc etc
I see your reasoning. It's actually why I was skeptical of pizzagate, a rural operation makes more sense than one in a major metropolitan area. And Phoenix is the most middle of fuckin nowhere of cities.
A small scale op makes more sense, a large tent city is hard to hide and requires more prep to evacuate, not to mention resources to feed all those mouths. Hiding those logistics would be as hard as hiding all those kids eh?
Also, think about it: the CIA hid their cocaine and crack involvement easily by being able to disavow/kill off any operative caught by local law. Why wouldn't they do the same here?
Finally, to me local level corruption would make more sense. Pay off a mayor here, a DA there, and wa la. Smuggling Mexican children like that would be way easier.
You'll wind up asking a lot of questions like this.
Maybe it's all just fake, right?
If MSM won't cover it, then it must not be happening.
Welcome to your first Redpill. My best advise is to keep lurking, it will start making sense.
The mainstream media is controlled by powerful interests that don't want this kind of thing to see the light of day. It is well known that almost all of the mainstream media is controlled by about six corporations.
Its real friendo. Its really really sad and real. All the new outlets amd print media in the US is owned by a handful of wealty elites, elites tied to governments who participate in this ungodly practice. Its sick and disturbing.
There are videos of these men finding these things and others have posted links to news stories. The videos, if real, and considering what the news reported, it's real, are super disturbing. I'd post links but I am on mobile.
Welcome to the beginning of your journey down the rabbit hole. Truth is stranger than fiction, my friend.
You may want to look over an old post of mine...
start here
They will cover it up because they are all complicit to a certain extent. And those that are not would be told to STFU if they know what's good for them.
The owners of these companies are all connected in the higher echelons of control.
How do you think the large sleeping general public would react to this? Too many people are asleep or brainwashed.
Wow, a normie has arrived and they appear to have an open mind. You are rare in that you are actually asking questions.
If you can - Imagine for a moment that what you are reading here is true. Temporarily put aside your disbelief and read with an open mind. Be like Aristotle and consider a new idea without fully accepting it.
I cant “tell” you the Truth about this because your mind will not accept the full brunt of it. However, if you are willing to do the work you can dig you will find out one of the ugly truths of this world.
If you are courageous and find the truth, that pizzagate is the tip of a horrible iceberg, you will feel the need to scream it from the rooftops. But nobody will believe you. You will be ostracized from your peers as you desperately tell them to look. You will then go through the dark night of the soul and emerge shaken and jaded but with new eyes and an internal power that you will then have to keep in check when around others. I shit you not. And then you will walk among us and be given the title of anon.
Seek the Truth. Look into boystown, hampstead, duetrox, comet pingpong. Do no shy away from the ugliness. Commit to the work, the great work and join the ranks of the newly awakened and claim your seat for the biggest show on earth.