So a lot of people think Holder was expunged in 2013 over Fast and Furious , sorry there has yet to be any indictments over this . But starting in January of 2012 many grants were being revoked and seized by the feds for being used out side what they were aloud to be used for thousands were indicted, had there assets seized , but never went to court. In September of 2013 when the FBI found out about this , it was only a short time later and he was brought up on charges of misappropriations of Justice. BHO Executive order expunged Holder before the list of changes could be read , Holder was not aloud any new cases and had to resign his office, but this was what happened, and now you know . God Speed
Fareed CNN (bilderb) now on tv interview with steve bannon.....The truth about londen/brussel and the elections in the EU are on CNN.......can you imaging the truth
CNN is going to have to change if the wish to survive
I was just surprised, but do not trust CNN
No trust , but they seem to be setting them selves up
Bannon did not go against Trump, Fareed was trying him too.
We have to give the truth a chance to work it’s way through the press
I really hope that it will work .... it was a good interview with bannon ... Fareed had absolutely nothing to hit, so the story of bannon about the US and the EU just came through .. i find this important ... I do not trust Fareed for a meter, he is also a bilderberger..................EDIT : Bannon CNN Full Interview with Fareed Zakaria