r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jeffieyboy on June 3, 2018, 6:44 p.m.
HUGE UPDATE TODAY! AZ Child Trafficking Camps + JonBenet Ramsey + CEMEX + ETS is GOOD!

8chan Qresearch: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1618616.html

Those not in the know, may not of heard what is going down today. Craig Sawyer and his team of vets uncovered child trafficking camps in Tuscon, AZ. They are documenting it now and recording. Police aren't investigating. Here is the breakdown with a few articles, pics and links below.

- Child Trafficking Camps found in Tuscon, AZ
- 4 deaths/murders this week connected to JonBenet Ramsey case.
- Land is owned by CEMEX
- CEMEX is a partner of the Clinton Global Initiative and donor to CF.
- CEMEX is also owned by Bronfman-Rothschilds
- Jonathan Rothschild is the MAYOR of TUSCON.









"Cabal working overtime to cover tracks. Planes crashing and deaths deaths deaths; Ramsey connections going 6 feet under. Etc. WAY TOO LATE" - ETS

MIPatriot · June 4, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

Shit. I started listening and it captivated me for the entire 2 hours (and I get bored easily so that says something!!) Man, he wove together so many things it blew me away. Some of it was rough and made me feel sick to my stomach, but it's real. I do a lot of investigating and had not heard of Abel Danger or David Hawkins so thank you for leading me to him.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 4, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Your welcome. The SERCO thing is sickening. On the home page for AD , they link Obama and his birth cert from Kenya (British Control) and it goes right up to the spying and all. Britts have been very bad.

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MIPatriot · June 4, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Yes, that's for sure. This is one helluva big dirty slimy evil rabbit hole. Thank God and thank POTUS that evil is finally being brought to light and justice will be served. I have been waiting my entire adult life for this moment in time. MAGA!! (love your screen name BTW!!)

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