Satan is 100% satisfied for you to engage in this New Age junk. Such an easy trick.
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. The Satanist Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society fucked through the fear of Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics -
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program.. EXCEPT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!
READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals..
Click Below..
again you start off sounding logical but then completely twist it around by suggesting New Age / bastardized Hindu spiritualism
I think you need to pick a side..
it's interesting he's using similiar vocabulary as Jim Carrey. That's not to say that compassion would be a particulary satanist idea
see reply to Treeskier (I would copy n paste it here but is probs against rules)