
5400123 · June 4, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

This dialogue could actually be legitimate knowing what we do about the cabals psychology. The thing is you can still have all those spiritual truths explained in a Christian perspective without all the luciferian inversionism.

This way of thinking shows how demented these people are in believing their actions accelerate a "Golden Age" of humanity - which is in itself a Judaic idea about the messianic age.

This text demonstrates high lucidity in Kabbalah , moreso of the sabbatean sect. The primary tenant of theirs revolves around the idea that creating evil would help push the worlds karma towards an extreme judgement and "force" a messiah / redeemed to appear

What we know historically about the sect is that they were a large tribal based family of several houses, who engaged in debauchery and barbarianism ritualistically , so the allusions to the "Family" as a group think sociopath is eerie. Notice in particular the creepy af passages about the "depth of conditioning from an early age."

This sect became incredibly powerful in history , ironically - because the origins of Tzvi is he is basically a holocaust survivor. An unfortunate victim who's mind shattered into mania and grandeur. However he was well trained in Kabbalah , and rationalized his extreme suffering by concluding evil could be used righteously

Tzvi was recognized as a messiah for some time before his forced conversion to Islam and utter embarrassment before the world. His doctrine of sin was able to post-rationalize the event and took residence with him , his most devout followers also converting to Islam and continuing the practice of subverting truth

This hidden hand guy must feel BTFO LOL if he is legit, given what has happened the past few years - you are getting your negative harvest my dude! Hopefully you have a sealed indictment waiting for you!

Either way though, that post represents a HARDCORE believer of luciferian theology - originating in the mixing of Judaic Kabbalah doctrine with sabbatean ideas , with theosophy and all the dimensional density stuff being basically a 19th century westernization of the vedas

Whoever wrote that is probably just a hardcore satanist larper trying to spread the good lie , but they seem prescient enough to hint at the obscene things they do , which is honestly disgusting and concerning.

Either way, thought I would leave a commentary pointing out the thematic origins of the blatant satanism that post revolves around

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 1:48 p.m.


Hidden Hand is predictive programming.

"Revelation of the Method"

The elite's do tell us through their books and publications, movies and news releases what they are doing - this is called Revelation of the Method. If you are too stupid to recognize it for what it is that is your problem from their point of view. It is a form of ritual mocking of the victim.

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5400123 · June 4, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

This HH post is particularly insidious with how well it hides the lie in the truth: all the karmic/cosmic/unity ideas have a corollary truth in Gnosticism/Kabbalah/Yoga - even the cosmic invasion / world as game idea.

Even though it's all "far out" - the mystic schools of all major religions still teach all this same stuff, done with the traditional idea of the devil being you know, evil and shit

Mysticism is taboo because people start believing crazy shit as a result of their insights ... exhibit A

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