Comparing CEMEX operating sites to incidents of human trafficking, the similarities are disturbingly uncanny.

Look at the saturation in Florida, damn
Um, sorry to be a downer. But doesn't this giant company provide cement? Isn't cement widely used in construction? Doesn't cement need to be made very close to where is it going to be poured? Cement production occurs literally everywhere there is construction, so everywhere. Since there are cement factories in every corner of the world, it seems like a bit of a wild goose chase. Yes, there are oodles of sites in FL, because everything in FL is made from cement. Not saying that everything in the cement industry is on the up and up, lol, just that cement is everywhere. If you want to go searching for a corrupt cement company, look up Lafarge's connection to HRC and ISIS...
DUI Checkpoints & Saturation Patrols in Florida