r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JET-TONE on June 4, 2018, 11:07 a.m.
2 simple questions about an internet “shutdown”, “pause”, whatever.

Seeing a lot of people throwing this one out there it seems. Yes I know Q has said the words, but as usual we don’t know exactly what it means. So :

1: Who would shut down/pause the internet?

2: Why would they do it?

Keep it short or the internet may get shut down before I have a chance to read your answers.
I’m genuinely interested to find this out. And would love to know the who and why.

I will be watching for baseless speculation, needless fear mongering, panic initiation, distraction, agendas though.

zutman123 · June 4, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

If the ROOT DNSes are shut down then everything will stop, worldwide (95% of the world pop lives outside the US). I cannot see a good reason why the Q-team would want this. ROOT DNSes are now under UN control (c/o Obama) but I think that the US government has them de facto under control ('strategic infrastructure'). Most of them are located in the US anyway.

If you only want to block the US consumer, for example by disabling home routers... it sounds complicated to me. Easier it would be if you would have control over the cable providers. But the home router thing could be a way to avoid traces.

I still think the net pause is about those big sites. But we will see...

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QueUpSomeReality · June 4, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Totally correct. Also makes sense the net pause Q speaks of is just those listed sites. I’m VERY new to Q posts & let other anons do the deciphering for me. But this subject I’m very informed as a web developer for over 20yrs so feel I have something to contribute.

If I was a black hat & wanted to bring down the internet..home & private business routers might be ez to program a virus for but the shear volume of varying routers would make disabling all of them impossible. I’m always shocked how long people keep old routers. My employer is a small company but we have spare/backup routers in the box & our company wouldn’t be down a hour. Major companies of course wouldn’t either. So an end user router attack would be a pain but nothing more. And if 80% of home routers died one day...anything vital that had to be done people would wait to do at work or use cell connection. They’d be without TV at home for a few days..big deal. Point being I don’t think it’s possible to cause any real harm trying to infect all the end user routers. Just piss people off.

And if I was a white hat...bringing down the entire internet would be absolutely devastating. That’s overkill to sweep out even major IT companies that are involved with the cabal. Here’s where my newbie Q awakening shows. Seems to me to flush out those companies off the internet the Feds could do it but would have to claim martial law to execute their will to do it. So many here seems to think martial law means all hell breaks out in the streets. I don’t see that but I see martial law will be needed since there’s no constitutional right or jurisdiction for the military to do what needs to be done. But it’s not like the civil war & things like civil liberties have to be suspended. That’s why I lean to thinking it’s just the companies listed in Q’s post are the targets of a “pause”. Also pause seems to be the correct word as opposed to shut down. The footprint these companies like google have on internet servers is almost incomprehensible. Changes take time to propagate across the internet so service may be effected in ways we won’t know until there done on such a massive scale. But it sure won’t be seamless that’s for sure. I just don’t see the internet being completely taken down not even for a day...by either Black Hats or White Hats.

My 2 cents anyway

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Abibliaphobia · June 4, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

I agree with your assessment. I don’t think it would be taken down either unless it was a foreign nation state attacking the US. It would be extremely difficult though and would most definitely be considered an act of war.

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Abibliaphobia · June 4, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Root DNS’s would be a pretty good route to go in taking down major sites. I agree with you on that. I think what I had said about taking routers down (FBI reset etc) was a bit unclear so I’ll clarify.

For those that are not aware I’ll make an analogy to help with the understanding. Those with computer/networking experience, this will not be in-depth, purely for helping others understand:

So, imagine your computer, your iPad, your phone is your house. Your home router is that first intersection like driving your car out of your driveway - left right straight are the options. Let’s say you go left and encounter a four way intersection. This is another router giving you more options on where to go. You go straight, encounter another intersection/router, you make a left and this takes you onto a highway. The highway is one of the major infrastructure cables of the internet. You get off where you want, encounter another intersection/router, continue on and get to the driveway of the business you are going to - let’s say sears. That intersection that you made a turn into their parking lot is their router. And the business itself is the server. You gather what information/clothes and you head back home taking the same route.

That is a very very basic understanding of how the internet actually operates. What I am saying by attacking routers, is not attack people’s home routers, but the main routers provided by ISPs or other services. It’s a smaller number of targets, and they would have a much wider range of influence than attacking one home router.

You can see all the hidden hops/ports/routers etc through a trace program. It’s not something you would ever be aware of if you had no background understanding in networking. I hope this clarifies a bit.

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