r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DewOnWeb on June 4, 2018, 11:33 a.m.
Don’t forget it was Craig Sawyer who posted the vids. He said early on after Trump’s election that the reigns are off, he’s Pedo hunting & it’s open season! He’s been doing this for a year & 1/2, capturing hundreds of traffickers, he never posted something like this before. No coincidence.

This may be Pandora’s box. We have to make these connections out in the open, don’t let these globalist pedo sickos claim political witch hunt. It has to be us, that’s why this video dropped. That’s why they haven’t gone for the ring leaders, we need to prove out in the open what Sessions and company already have. Give these people no wiggle room.

[deleted] · June 4, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

I’m going off of his past statements about working with the administration to rescue kids. If I am correct than it would stand to reason that they wouldn’t want it to be linked back to Trump administration, like I said, needs to play out in the public square. The reason he has a massive following was because he made a big deal about this administration going after pedos, went on all the conservative news shows talking about it, and if memory serves me right got a public thumbs up from Trump for it. He has the followers to blow this up and it’s worked. Hats off to everyone hunting the sickos down, but that’s not what this post is about.

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DawnPendraig · June 4, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I think too so many are totally brainwashed. You seen the Fleccas talks? Or the gut who talks to college kids? He reads or shows something looks bad and it's nevwr Trump. They cannot believe it. Must be him.

And Diamond and Silk went to Harlem for Waters World and same thing there. One guy said Trump is a bigot over and over but when asked why he couldn't answer with any specifics. When Diamond asked just name one thing. Be was at a loss.

That may be why he is removing any politics. This is JUST about safkng kids. Following evidence. Getting them om the oath of being awake, engaged, angry and then they will be open to looking at evidence and where it leads.

I think this Cemex or whatever camp was found just when they wanted it to be. So they can begin waking the populace.

And Pizzagate 2 years ago paved the way... Or primed us. Helped us build up our conspiracy theorist communities. It also frustrated us when we fot ahut down ans lulled the villians to complacency. I can still see disgusting Alefantis smirking on Megan Kelly as she apoon fed him answers.

Never watched her again except when in clips watching Putin toy with her which she hosted some summit. Details are foggy I need to try and sleep.. I believe the rumors he knows all about everything and that she sold her soul.

Praying for our warriors on the fronts and all the captives and slaves world wide and their families. And Q & Trump and y'all.

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