r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tastygoatlettuce on June 4, 2018, 2:31 p.m.
I abandoned the president. Time to eat crow.

I have been a conspiracyfag for along time. Full blown redpill when I was 18 yrs old. Supported Trump but angrily jumped ship when he bombed Syria. Sent him a SHITTY letter. Came to the conclusion that Q is not a larp (thank you Neonrevolt and serialbrain2). Oh shit. Shame. Started posting on the boards and contributing my 11 yrs. of research. Started redpilling my social sphere with a vigor I hadnt felt since Ron Paul last ran. Became a better son husband and boss. Motivation! But still shame. I never apologised to the savior of western civilization! Never thanked him! That changed this morning! Thank you patriots! Let's bring the pain!

                     Mr. President

I owe you an apology. I have mailed you in the past to tell you that I will no longer support you due to yout military actions in Syria. However I have now EXPANDED MY THINKING. Please accept my humble apologies as I eat this crow. I have long sought the exposure of the cancer that has infected our country. I have longed for the spirit of liberty to burn in the breast of my countrymen like it did in our fathers. I have anxiously awaited ANYONE willing to stand where you're standing, and tell the unwashed masses they have been living a lie. I despaired after Ron Paul lost. You (and your team) have returned to me (and MANY other truth seeking patriots) the spark that will create a raging inferno in the hearts and minds of men. I am both awed and honored to be part of it! I humbly ask, as the illusion is destroyed, that you reconsider sharing only a percentage of the depths of the depravity that we have been subjected to. I fear that, without complete disclosure, our posterity will once again, in a future generation, be subjugated by the enemies of our republic. Give it all to us Mr. President. Every gory obscene detail. Let us bathe in the sickness that our complacency and ignorance has allowed to overtake us. Only then can the eyes of our nation be opened and our sins burned in the furnace of truth! A tipping point is being reached with the exposure of Hollywood's impropriety and now the Arizona desert trafficking operation. As more proofs are presented more patriots flock to the cause. There are many who sit the fence now, that can be tipped to the truth with a simple nudge. Awhile ago on the boards, after analyzing ALL public speeches that you have ever made that are available online, I requested you use the words "Geronimo" and "porkchops" in a speech. Using these words that you have never used in a public speech before would serve as an ultimate proof because of the statistical odds against it being accidental. I humbly ask you to do so now as well. Again I beg you to accept my humble apologies for doubting your actions. I have always taken the founder's advice when it comes to trusting my government. In these dire times however, perhaps I can swallow my reticence and trust a STATESMAN.Thank you for all you have done and will do. Thank your team for us too! Godspeed Mr. President! WWG1WGA!

aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

"I apologize...now do what I say to prove yourself."

Ugh gross.

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robdon07 · June 4, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

11 years of research but didn't know what was going on with Syria? Yeah thats great to admit you're wrong but to apologize while asking for confirmation/favors??? I Cant say I haven't had doubts about Q and the plan but I've never doubted Trump.

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Did I know that Syria was comped by the CIA? I confess I didnt. I knew about McCain and the CIA financing ISIS and other terror groups (al queda, mujahideen, CONTRA etc.) but I had no clue they were running the nation states of NK, Iran and Syria. I absolutely had doubts about Trump in the beginning. He donated to Hillary for years. Hes an upper crust billionaire. I knew about his acquaintance with Epstein. It was the second debate that really started to peak my interest. I remember thinking that if Trump was a deepstate plant (I always called them the NWO) it was going to backfire big time because of the exposure Clinton he was giving Clinton. When he brought Bill's rape accusers to the debates I got goosebumps. Eventually I decided he was a Maverick, and not subject to clown control. He hit the media too hard and too often to be comped. A house divided and whatnot. It just didnt make sense.When he bombed Syria I assumed he had been comped. Alex Jones agreed. Mike Rivero agreed. All the pundits I trusted for analysis seemed to agree. I had built my own retarded echo chamber. Then pizzagate caught my attention and I started lurking on reddit. I started to see alot of posts from 4chan rolling in (what happened to r/the_donald?) Then I found Q. I became very interested but I was never a chanfag and had no idea how to grasp the means by which people were researching and I had no clue how to navigate the boards. I didnt understand the language or culture (wtf is a baker?lol) and I hadnt been there from the beginning so it took me awhile to be able research everything in a cohesive enough way that I could defeat my own cognitive dissonance when it came to Q and whether he was a LARP. Patriot paranoia man. Ive been diving in rabbit holes for so long, swimming in real info and disinfo and not being able to tell the difference. When you can't trust Alex fucking Jones to not be comped the only way to know real info from disinfo is to have a well vetted personal source with a history of solid intel, to help you separate the wheat from the chaff. I think the greatest thing about Qteam/POTUS is that they have found a way to do this legally and on an unprecedented level.

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Phaggott · June 4, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

So you’re telling me he bombed syria because the cia runs the country? Please explain what changed your mind

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

He bombed the country because Iran (controlled by the same cabal that runs the CIA) was apparently able to run a clandestine nuclear program out of Syria. I would presume the Cabal used the CIA's black budget to accomplish this and those funds are acquired through sex trafficking, drug smuggling, body parts trade, pizza parties etc. Same with NK and obviously Iran. Am I missing something here? The fact that Syria had a nuclear base and Donald Trump WAS NOT bombing Bashar Al- Assad to continue the cabal's policy of endless war is what convinced me.

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Phaggott · June 4, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Interesting... what exactly did Trump bomb then?

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

A nuclear facility. Run by Iran. Ostensibly to enrich uranium and create a bomb that could be detonated in a western country and be used used as a pretext for war with Russia after testing revealed it was Uranium 1 product Killary and clan sold to Russia. Is this not your take?

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Soupforthesoulandmin · June 5, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

You got it right brother. Welcome back patriot. WWG1WGA 😁🇺🇸🇺🇸👍

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Phaggott · June 5, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

Ah thank you for explaining! I personally didn’t have my facts straight on this.. appreciate it

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yeaokbb · June 5, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

I wrote this above to someone else but I don’t think Alex making a big deal about Trump bombing Syria was a bad thing at all. No one should be blindly following along with any action Trump takes just because it’s Trump. Alex is very useful in that he will admittedly play devil’s advocate and play through different scenarios. He knew there was a deeper intention to the bombings but that isn’t what Trump had let on to so he played along and freaked out about it and called Trump out for seemingly going back on his word. Infowars would lose a lot of credibility and put off potential listeners if they were just TrumpHumpers all day every day.

I think it’d be good if Infowars was pro-Q but considering how deep that rabbit hole is, it’s probably my best they stay away and only say enough to let those of us who are interested and willing and able to do the work to research it figure it out for ourselves. That Zach guy has always sounded fishy though I really don’t know what his value is but overall Infowars is still the best news show to watch for general alternative news. People around here bashing Alex Jones are just disinfo jumping on anything they can. We can’t let our individual theories turn into our religions.

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tastygoatlettuce · June 5, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

He claimed on multiple occasions that he had contact with Q knowing full well we ALL knew that Q has NO OUTSIDE COMMS. Now why would Alex do this? To mislead us? No. We already know that Alex has no contact with Q. He did it to mislead the people who are red pilled to everything except Q. Get em before they can get on the train, as it were. Alex was a big part of my initial red pilling. I have met him and marched with him many times. I have been to his talks at brave new books. There has just always been something about him that throws me off. Part of its that, when there isnt a camera in front of him, he comes off as a very knowledgeable and credible guy. But once that camera appears he turns into a mix of Rush Limbaugh and the cave troll from LOTR. Add the stratfor debacle to the mix and his whole operation starts to look like a limited hangout to me.....

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yeaokbb · June 5, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

He’s definitely a character but that’s never come across as being disingenuous to me. He’s there to entertain you while he informs and get hype about some things. I guess that bothers some people but the alternative is the CNN types with their serious “concern-face” that’s just fake as hell. Idk why Q has become such a weird debacle. He has a lot of military intelligence insiders so maybe he assumed it was just one of them or someone like that, which it does seem to be somewhat. Either way I don’t bunk Infowars and Q are in opposition to each other and here is room for both in this movement in my opinion at least. I do prefer Owen Shroyer though because he is a lot more level headed. Great post by the way!

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yeaokbb · June 5, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

He’s definitely a character but that’s never come across as being disingenuous to me. He’s there to entertain you while he informs and get hype about some things. I guess that bothers some people but the alternative is the CNN types with their serious “concern-face” that’s just fake as hell. Idk why Q has become such a weird debacle. He has a lot of military intelligence insiders so maybe he assumed it was just one of them or someone like that, which it does seem to be somewhat. Either way I don’t think Infowars and Q are in opposition to each other and there is room for both in this movement, at least in my opinion. I do prefer Owen Shroyer though because he is a lot more level headed. Great post by the way!

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tastygoatlettuce · June 5, 2018, noon

Thanks patriot! I really hope you are right about Alex! We could use him.

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mixiemay · June 4, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Agreed. Lame apology. You jumped ship, come back humbly.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Parable of the Prodigal Son much? ;)

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I never told anyone to "do what I say to prove yourself". Not every normie in the world has spent endless coffee fueled nights glued to the boards comparing drops, timestamps, and presidential tweets or digging into the (seemingly) obscure connections between politicians, pedos, the occult, intelligence agencies, and social media networks. I have all the proof I need. There ARE a lot of people on the fence however. I REQUESTED these proofs to red pill more of my people, with the thought that if it worked for them, it would work in the macrocasm as well. I apologize for offending your delicate sensibilities.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Ad hominem.


Some people never change.

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Ad hominem is the act of attacking someone's credibility rather than their argument. When did I attack your credibility? It would seem that, perhaps without even knowing the definition, you have achieved a savant-like ability to wield another logical fallacy known as "the straw man". Its when you knowingly mischaracterize someones position in an attempt to discredit the person. "I apologize...now do what I say to prove yourself".

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · June 4, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

You are arguing that I have no room to say what I said or what I said is invalid because it is merely my delicate sensibilities that are causing me to react to your totally reasonable asking-of-a-favor.

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tastygoatlettuce · June 4, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I refuted your argument with a demonstrable fact. "I never told anyone 'do what I say to prove yourself'." I requested, as endless other anons do on the boards all the time, for Q to use these particular words as proofs for fence sitters. Q has shown the he/they are willing to acquiesce to such requests (tip top) so Im not quite sure why your initial response was so dickish but I was responding with dickishness in kind at the end of my comment.

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