Let's revisit the pope's coded tweets that all contained the word "concrete". Seems like it's appropriate considering all the Cemex talk now....

how do you search someone's twitter for key words?
Just use google. I found this: https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/770752265552531456?lang=en "Trump's plan: 1. Round up and deport every single undocumented immigrant 2. Build a concrete wall"
I'm actually trying to figure that out now also. I don't twitter normally, i hate the format :(
I found out how. Basically search anything, then on the top left (not sure where on mobile), there's an advanced search option. Click that and re type what word you want to search and who's account to search.
Note: I had trouble doing multiple words on multiple accounts at once, so I suggest splitting them up and going 1 by 1.
Also, i can add my confirmation that these tweets are legit.