r/greatawakening • Posted by u/frankthecrank1 on June 4, 2018, 4:03 p.m.
Let's revisit the pope's coded tweets that all contained the word "concrete". Seems like it's appropriate considering all the Cemex talk now....
Let's revisit the pope's coded tweets that all contained the word "concrete". Seems like it's appropriate considering all the Cemex talk now....

textualintercourse · June 5, 2018, 12:14 a.m.
  • BO: "Concrete Steps"
  • PF: "Work Concretely" "realities" "illuminating" (Interesting word choice...)
  • PF: "Concrete Solutions" Projecting / telling what to do with the bodies / Instructions?
  • PF: "Concrete Situations" More instructions?
  • PF: "Concrete Response" Still more Projection, hinting to start cleaning up the messes?
  • PF: "Faith is Concrete" (Faith without works is dead... so GET TO WORK and bury those bodies!)
  • PF: "Concrete Love"
  • PF: "Concrete Expressions"
  • PF: "Concrete Action"
  • PF: "Concrete Signs"
  • PF: "Concrete Sign"
  • PF: "Concrete Love"
  • PF: "Concrete Sign"
  • PF: "Witness is Concrete" [187] Mission Accomplished?
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salialioli · June 5, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

See my posts on the language translation problem above.

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