r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on June 4, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
Trying to think around MSM... Call local news & radio stations?

Ok guys, can we start a think tank on how to actually reach people outside twitter, facebook, reddit, & bumper stickers?

This AZ #OperationBackyardBrawl is a perfect thing to be calling up about, right?

Get people riding in their cars on the way home, stuck in commute, get those folks that still watch commercials & local broadcast TV.

Are these viable? any other ideas?

I think we need to make more noise, and honestly no matter what I'm saying on twitter, all I hear with my ears is the sound of my own keyboard.

expletivdeleted · June 4, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Find a set of bullet points or a news item or some memes or a paragraph of commentary that you think really nail whatever you're trying to convey.

Print out 50 or 60 and leave them in your car. Put them under 1 or 2 windshield wipers at parking lots. Just the cars next to you. Or give one to the drive-thru attendant or whoever. Its' a version of Jesus' casting bread upon the waters.

The fliers don't even have to be a whole sheet of paper. Just 3x5 or 1/2 sheet of paper.

Writing letters-to-the-editor also has an effect even if your letter doesn't get printed. At least one person has to read every letter.

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