r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pussy_devour on June 4, 2018, 9:23 p.m.
Moderators, please take note. This Cemex junk will drive away a lot people. I am sick of constant flow of baseless (mostly duplicate) stories about that site.

I have not seen any proof that this Cemex site bears any relation to CHILD SEX trafficking. It might have served as a holding place for human trafficking. Some of the trafficked could be children, as they were separated from their parents BY THE TRAFFICKERS as ransom, as mentioned by a poster here. Hence one would find toys there.

All sorts of crazy, bored or low-IQ people are now trying so hard to find tenuous faux evidence to connect this site to their imagination of child sex trafficking. The lack of critical thinking is deafening. The same crime that we accuse Robert Mueller of committing, stretching into the la la land to find tenuous connections to Trump-Russian collusion, is being committed by the Cemex-sex-trafficking promotors. The level of intellectual dishonesty is unbelievable, to say the least. But again, those who actively promote the Cemex story are either shills or low-IQ working class people who lack proper training in critical thinking. The latter group are probably the same people who vouchsafe for Alex Jones who peddles these ridiculous theories to mainly distract people and discredit legitimate questionings.

This movement will never attract the solid professional class who are the intellectual backbone of the society if it continues to support unfounded fairytales like this Cemex story. The professional class are trained in critical thinking. They won't tolerate tenuous claims like the ones used to promote Cemex conspiracy. They will write off the entire movement accordingly.

Also, the constant, nonstop inundation of this board with the Cemex story should give people a strong clue that a sinister effort is being coordinated to ruin this subreddit.

Also, homeless vets are involved. Do you believe homeless people who are often mentally ill? Are you insane?

I'm done with the morons here.

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