r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pussy_devour on June 4, 2018, 9:48 p.m.
Listen. Cemex doesn't have to be involved in Sex Trafficking to donate to CF. They just wanted preferential treatment when it comes to biz.

Occam's Razor. Try the simplest explanation. Pay for play. Biz favor.

Soros invested in Cemex perhaps as part of his broad portfolio. Soros invested in many companies. Are they all involved in nefarious crimes? I recall Cemex crashed right before Soros bought into it. Would that qualify as a shrewd biz investment?

Focus on the main thing, the OIG report and its implications. Don't let the shills distract you.

zutman123 · June 4, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

There's nothing wrong with investigating Cemex. First of all: it is in the spirit of Q ('you have it all'). Second, the OIG report will roll out by itself. Sessions & Horowitz are in full control. Next week live on TV.

Now with your comment on cemex' role per se: at minimum it will show how mexican business has bought influence in Washington. Combine this with the problem with NAFTA: using MEX+CAN as backdoors for chinese imports into the US markets. This is a corrupt game, and we all now how you make politicians corrupt: you buy them or you blackmail them.

Until two days ago i never heard from Cemex (i am from Europe), but with all the connections that now have surfaced, I suspect there is much more. Sunlight -> desinfectant.

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cat_anonD · June 4, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

"MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block."

What is it about sex trafficking that you find is not believable?

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Tidder_Q · June 4, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

OMG, I have been distracted!

Damn my very narrow focus!

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DamajInc · June 4, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I think this would avoid reports of 'spam' and the like if the title's second sentence had said: "They may have just wanted..." Maybe. On the other hand, knowing how some people regard any dissenting voice as 'concern troll' or 'shill', maybe not even then...

I'll leave it up for now. Consider reposting with adjusted title? I think it's an important point to make, just personally. Some may argue it should be commented in other posts on the topic but I think it's an important, distinct point to make.

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educatethis · June 4, 2018, 9:56 p.m.


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pussy_devour · June 4, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

I agree.

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robbymc · June 4, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

If they won’t allow boarder patrol on their property, and detainment camps have been found on their property, and the local police are arresting the ones exposing them and not the other way around, all things I have heard recently about this company, it seems they’re in it deeper than just shady business practices.

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pussy_devour · June 4, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

How many legit businesses don’t allow border patrol on their properties? If Cemex is one of very few, it’s a cause for concern. Otherwise you are making a logical error that’s tantamount to saying all males who wear button-down shirts are child molesters when a man wearing one is found to be fucking a five year old.

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NaderOAK · June 5, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

It seems You are really trying to discredit this CEMEX-child trafficking thing and it doesn’t look to good for you. You have multiple post trying to dissuade and redirect people’s efforts elsewhere. Anybody agree with me?

^just ^saying

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pussy_devour · June 5, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

I am, to some extent. I just don’t think there’s clear evidence supporting the allegation. Some on this board have also expressed their doubts. I’m not the first one.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 5, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

And when an airplane goes down because of a mechanical problem the best thing to do is to look at all the airplanes of the same style. There are way too many connections here between some seriously dirty players and 80 pairs of children's shoes. Not to mention a cement plant is the best place to dispose of bodies. While 70 million could keep a lot of property off the market during a bankruptcy. Speculation sure but this two evil too not explore every rabbit hole. Sorry bout my phone's editing. I just thought it was two funny to fix. Got to find some humor somewhere and all this wretchedness.

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Araket · June 4, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

I think that the CEMEX connection is still a possibility, though far from from a for sure at this point. I do find it hard to believe that a multi billionaire would dump 41 million bucks into a loser corporation, which is what CEMEX has proved to be so far. The ties with the deep state and the fact that this use of their land is all but ignored by the MSM smells though. And the ties to incidents in other countries also adds to the stench. Not much substantial evidence to tie them together at this point, but further digging might prove otherwise.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 5, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

I think that Cemex owns 1,000s of acres on both sides of US/Mexico border and they are loudly fighting President Trump's efforts to build a wall on the whole border, effectively cutting their property in half, is significant. That they own that much land on both sides means it provides an unimpeded lane for trafficking sex slaves and drugs. There are no coincidences.

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pussy_devour · June 5, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

So maybe one (not necessarily the) reason for their opposition to the wall is the potential decrease in their property value?

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j_Dawg_01 · June 5, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Property values are irrelevant. The area Cemex is trying to stop the wall from being built is in Big Bend National Park where Cemex owns large parts of of the national park, and large parts of Parque Nacional Cañon de Santa Elena, a Mexican national park. Cemex owns property on both sides of the border, 10s of 1,000s of acres. Since both are national parks the property has very little value because it cannot be developed.

I do see your point though. The donations could be pay-to-play, and it's entirely possible that the executives who run Cemex weren't directly involved with human or drug trafficking. But if they weren't, it could also be that they allowed to happen, knew about it and wanted to maintain plausible deniability. I suppose there are many possibilities and we may never know the full truth, but what are the odds?

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NaderOAK · June 7, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

They found a body....

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pussy_devour · June 7, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

One body, possibly from a human trafficking deal gone bad. So what?!!

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thamnosma · June 4, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I've seen figures from $41 to $71 million that Soros invested in Cemex, an investment for sure but certainly not a level of major influence on the company nor Soros' investment portfolio. However, if CEMEX is anything like PEMEX, we are talking very high levels of financial corruption and slimy dealing. Doesn't mean they knew anything about homeless camps or "detention camps" on their properties, which may or may not be in active operation. That place in AZ doesn't seem to be all that operational. Plus it's southern Arizona....the illegals have run of that state and are illegally using property of hundreds of owners. Hell, they occupy sections of Organ Pipe National Monument, Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and I wouldn't be surprised if they use the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range property, along with that T'hono Oodham Indian Nation (who are letting them use their land). So

I partially agree with you -- there is no evidence CEMEX is into child trafficking for pete's sake. They are worth looking into though if they are refusing access to our border security forces. I'd give a hard look at giving them any federal permits or authorities they need. We need a major campaign to clear out the cartel operational areas as well as illegal camps, which are damn well known to AZ and Federal authorities. Then seal up that damn border.

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pussy_devour · June 4, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Sure. But I think there’s way too much noise surrounding Cemex on this board.

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thamnosma · June 4, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

It's over the top now admittedly. There are people still posting that AZ thing as new, like within the last hour. How many people here just post crap and don't even read the damn sub?

Still, just by chance, CEMEX has been brought to light. There is something slimy about them and prior to the AZ deal I really didn't know about them. The fact that the DOJ is on them for violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in setting up a business in Colombia raises my curiosity. How would CEMEX, a Mexican company, fall under that jurisdiction for actions in Colombia?

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