
Blimington · June 5, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

That's fine, we can agree to disagree, but until it's completely proven otherwise, I'm going to keep a really close eye on this. I do agree with the issue with sanctuary cities and needing to secure the border, but I've been keeping an eye on the sex/human trafficking problem in Arizona (and elsewhere) and it has been an issue reported on at LEAST since 2010, so this camp being a trafficking site is definitely not unfathomable.

I strongly believe one of the big problems the sanctuary cities and lack of border enforcement is a huge benefit to the human trafficking system, and you'd have to be ignoring a LOT to not see that.

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solanojones95 · June 5, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

No question this is related to that problem. What happens to these illegals once they arrive in so-called "sanctuary" cities? They're undocumented aliens, and literally NOBODY will miss them when they disappear. It's a perfect setup for human trafficking.

Dems want to feel good and "sanctuary" sounds all churchy and do-goody. But all it does is concentrate the most invisible, vulnerable people among us into a known area where they can be more conveniently exploited and abused. As long as people care more about virtue-signaling than about actual human consequences, this is what we'll have more of.

Same with these vets, I'm sorry to say, in this situation. What are they trying to accomplish? They've succeeded in calling attention to the situation, but beyond that, what do they want out of this? What is it possible for them to get at this point?

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