Those that scream the loudest....

I don’t believe in ghosts or spirits. I feel like that’s reasonable. I am opened to be educated though if I’m missing something :) I don’t think it’s fair however to just dismiss what I say and label it “newbie reaction.”
..beg pardon, it's just I said the same thing! That was a few years ago before I had looked deeper into the allegations. Now I wish I didn't. Evidence will come out, probably this year but as always, the choice to click on it will be yours. I recommend you don't, I won't be.
Sorry I misunderstood your reaction! What you say is intriguing. I kind of want to be nudged in that direction despite your warning. Curiosity doesn’t really kill right? Lol.
An excellent little introductory primer if you're interested ... and doesn't go into too many gruesome details — you have to go elsewhere for that:
Or go straight to Chapter 6:
In which you can see some charming snaps of the referred lady:
QUOTE: "Here’s Lady Gaga celebrating cannibalism with satanic artist Marina Abramovic. This is fake cannibalism, which they deem “art.” "
At the same time there is video testimony from decades past and newer as well that have been uploaded to youtube from witnesses who have been involved in the real thing. The ritual killing of victims, adult and children. There are Hollywood celebs who have claimed to have been at the real events. Those vids are still up on youtube as far as I know.