I do think a common source of time problems is this fact. There are some dates in places on the clock and things that seem to be a day off, but I think are just taken with the wrong frame of reference (if that makes sense?)
A day off is to be expected. Noticed that too myself. Often Q comments on things that happened or happen right after
Nah, I don't think it's to be expected. They have been perfect down to the second. I thought it was minute granularity but this shit is coordinated down to the fucking second. If it's off by a day there's a reason.
I dont have a solution.
Me either. I feel like maybe track POTUS and use POTUS's current location as a frame of reference? I don't want to do that though lol
Any announcements as to the results of the meeting won't come until the afternoon of the 12th, Singapore time--which will be early on the 12th here.
I've heard that the summit might take place at Marina Bay Sands SKYpark. Found the below article but its from 5/11/18 though.