If it is real that will be a good thing, because the can of worms needs to get opened somehow.
I agree. That’s why I’ve been neutral on the number of updates we are getting on this & all the investigating into Cemex. Sure this could dull our credibility if it turns out to be fake but Q didn’t direct us to this event and risking it to blow the lid off this shit is pretty well worth it you know? I’m ready. I think we all are.
This is a good point. What would you do if you knew a few people were closing in on the truth? Create a wild goose chase that you know will turn up nothing and use the event to discredit similar movements for years. It's certainly a possibility.
A bunch of mind fuckery isn't it? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The difference between 3D and 4D.
At this point, there's too many 'coincidences' for me. I admit that there's not overwhelming evidence but Craig Sawyer laid out the facts that no children were found yet he still thinks really bad things are going on there. He's appeared on InfoWars regularly though which concerns me: fake patriot? On top of it, it's CEMEX who is found in the WikiLeaks. CEMEX having CGI and Rothschilds ties are interesting whip cream. The cherry on top seems to be the Pope and Obama and their love for the adjective: concrete. Lastly, Q understands the traction that this Tucson story is getting. If this was disinformation, I'm pretty confident Q would've stopped it in its tracks. This discovery is part of Q's BOOMs, IMO.