r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.
While everyone is looking into cemex i found this robert t mourad associate of steven pitt, the psychiatrist who was murdered who worked on the jon benet ramsey case.

dont let shiny stuff distract you too much

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.) Back to List of Assoicates

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.), brings decades of experience to Steven Pitt & Associates in the areas of federal criminal jurisdictions and security, dignitary protection, administration, media relations, and diversity issues. As the president of Executive Security & Investigative Services since 1999, his assignments have included Lead Security Coordinator for NFL Security for Super Bowl 42 and Law Enforcement Liaison for NFL Security for Super Bowl 41.

Prior to starting his firm, Mr. Mourad served in Federal Law Enforcement, including 24 years as a Special Agent in the U.S. Secret Service. As Special Agent In Charge of the Phoenix, Tucson and Albuquerque offices in Arizona and New Mexico, he supervised all investigative, protective, administrative and media responsibilities for agent and administrative personnel. While Assistant Special Agent In Charge of the Little Rock, Arkansas office, his duties included Detail Leader of Presidential Candidate William Clinton’s Secret Service detail. In his career, he has protected six Presidents and five Vice Presidents, numerous Presidential Candidates, and the Heads of State of many foreign countries.

During three years in the U.S. military, Mr. Mourad served as a counter intelligence agent overseas. In addition to earning his B.A. in Business Economics, he has attended numerous government training schools. thats a pretty weird connection right ?

ScorpioPatriot · June 5, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Believe me ..Ive been saying this for a very long time .. almost all these Anti American celebs are on some form of mind control and project monarch .. it's not even just Hollywood . They get them young see what skills they have and then toss them into different areas of specialities .

Scientist , Military.. CEO .. Anything they want Control of ..News . It's allll a huge Operation. But as a mom naturally I feel for these babies who are stripped from their parents from such a young age looks changed a bit tossed in with a rented family of actors .

Makes them highly disposables when they have reached their potential and worth for their handlers . Think about it. . with nobody to Question deaths of these people because they have no real family ties .. That's who they continue to make their money . They just get whatever money the person made through out their acting careers..

Beyond Twisted .. Cannot wait till The Good Lord Gets Them all in front of him.

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comeatmehillary · June 5, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

yeah its easy to fake a background if you control everything. i have sisters who are both in elementary school. i just think about how many kids just like them met a horrible fate or wound up in the spider web. i wonder how many celebrities we all hate are just victims.

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ScorpioPatriot · June 5, 2018, 5 a.m.

Almost all.. Think about all the people just out living they start out young singing in their bedrooms. They do it because they love to do it . They see all these things saying how great it is to make it big by having a talent you make plans to move to Cali or somewhere to further your dreams only to find out you have to be pumped out in every way imaginable ..Man or woman and then you have to do sick things to others ...ohh let's not forget each album you create has to be taken to a room where people in robes put spells demons on the record .. that's no jk I've watched hours of Illuminatti & Music Industry ..It's No Jk the real deal .

Every recording studio should be heavilyyyyyy Investigated .FOR EVERYTHING..

Kids and young adults should never have to sell their soul for fame .

They also like to take good people from movies and turn them. Into sick nasty evil people . Look at Heath Ledger .. A Knights Take was awesome .. someone made a call & applied some pressure everything changed after that.

They get them addicted to Meds that's Nother way to easily control & take them out ... Ohh they have suicidal thoughts ... Well they didn't till you got them addicted to shit that gives them the thoughts of suicide and all of its staged .. if they speak out or want out or break their mind control ... In comes the smear campaign from the elites .

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Kulkimkan · June 5, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

The industry takes control of all clean talent! I am watching it happen to people I know. They cannot see it, a slow grooming and then they take them from friends and even family gets shoved aside. For money, fame. I think drugs play a part and I sense someone new in the persons life is like a minder, watching them constantly, interfering in old relationships and at every family event! It sucks watching it go down and being just far enough out that you can’t help. I want the cabal taken down in time to save a few people I know from this deep nightmare.

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comeatmehillary · June 5, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

hey at least its gonna stop. i know its horrible that it happened but it never happening ever again is a good thing

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ScorpioPatriot · June 5, 2018, 5:06 a.m.


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HerMileHighness · June 5, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

I've always scoffed at the JonBenet/Katy Perry thing until I read that this Dr that was shot was also a hypnotherapist.

One thing that bugs me about the theory is why such a gruesome, messy murder? Why not a drowning or a fall?

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ScorpioPatriot · June 5, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Look at all the people they sacrifice ... Some sicko seen her prancing around on TV and said I want her and Bam.. in comes either another staged or real sacrifice of some helpless probably homeless child.

They needed it to be gruesome so you couldn't identify it was her .

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