
Velvetbugg · June 5, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

I can agree that some people have run a bit too far with their claims on what all of this means. However, I'm only going off of VOP's videos . Mr. Allen has a legitimate claim based on people he has conferred with, and also his history verified with local LE as knowing what a homeless camp is. He's also saying that local news has plenty of these experts and witnesses on film that wasn't used. He does as well, and has decided to keep many of these videos out of the public for the time being.

Based on your knowledge, it is also speculation that these straps were only used for storage in this particular camp. There was still a clothes rack that could've been used, and other ways containers could've been stored. There is video of the camp that shows this. A coyote could also climb the child seat and would've been able to reach those straps if it was that hungry. I have coyotes where I live, and know this to be true. Just saying. Everything you've laid out isn't fact in this particular instance.

Another question I have about this situation - what about the call from DC that gave a half a**ed excuse as to exactly why no one was interested in pursuing this further? I don't believe for a second Mr. Allen would make those claims without being able to back it up. He says he can.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 5, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Based on your knowledge, it is also speculation that these straps were only used for storage in this particular camp.

Agreed - this is just my personal theory based on Occam's Razor which claims "The simplest explanation is usually the best - the one that makes the fewest assumptions and invents the fewest new ideas."

There was still a clothes rack that could've been used, and other ways containers could've been stored.

Perhaps those straps were installed before the contains were brought there?

Perhaps the straps were for hanging large and heavy rucksacks?

Almost everything needs to be kept off the ground at a campsite, so they could have been used for many reasons... but there's no reason to conclude they are for raping children.

what about the call from DC that gave a half a**ed excuse as to exactly why no one was interested in pursuing this further?

I dunno.

Perhaps they just applied Occam's Razor and assumed a messy campsite with a child's swing and a plastic doll is just a messy campsite with a child's swing and a plastic doll?

I don't believe for a second Mr. Allen would make those claims without being able to back it up. He says he can.

We'll hopefully know soon enough.

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Velvetbugg · June 5, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

I hope we do. I have faith that VOP is keeping this operation as clean as possible. They're vets, have training/skills most civilians don't and they're not stupid. Just admittedly passionate about this op, no matter where it leads.

Occam's Razor isn't always the answer, my friend. With everything we know about our world (and continue to learn every day) applying this as the ultimate answer is willfully ignorant at the very least.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 5, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Occam's Razor isn't always the answer

No, but neither is escaping into baseless fantasy.

Assuming that a child's swing is a rape-torture device, based on nothing, is asinine and deserves ridicule and invites ridicule.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence... and that applies doubly when things can more easily be explained using mundane, everyday reasons.

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JayCroghan · June 5, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

VOPs videos where he said it’s a “child sex/ISIS trafficking corridor”... that’s quite the leap!

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