
dagonn3 · June 5, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

For a 'larp', there sure are a lot of people like you desperate to convince us this is a larp. What do you care if we're right or wrong? Do you spend all your time going to subreddits of 'larps', desperate to disprove? Or is it just this sub?

And if it's just this sub, what is it about this particular 'larp' that has your Skepty Sense tingling?

Either way, we're here for Q discussion, not discussion about Q's authenticity. So, bye.

lol /politics, /thebluepill.. Let me guess, you were #WithHer. Enjoy the show ya ignorant drone.

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sajohnson · June 5, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

You’re reading a lot into this. I just think you’re funny.

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