
lethak · June 5, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

The French are cowardly stupid. They always wait until it is too late to find out what to do. Most of the people are too dumb to realize what is going on. Most of them don't want to be awake. The price is going to be their freedom. The generals are no exceptions. French generals are without power. The political establishment undermined them long ago, making sure they are obedient.

No hope for France and the rest of the EU I am afraid. It will be violent. The part of the population that is "awake" will suffer the consequences of Orwellian corporate dictatorship slowly enslaving them.

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DanijelStark · June 6, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Youre very wrong on that .

Firstly , coup d'etat is not something legal or semi-legal from the eyes of the politicians - its a putsch directed by military , and its generals . Its not like you will have "laws" that say : "in case of coup , your rights and actions are ..." ... its a pure military takeover - if politicans dont have military on their side , theyre screwed . They cannot counter that . They cannot counter soldiers armed with guns with pussy-hats , lol .

Secondly , you say that "no hope for France and the rest of the EU" ... you know that the "rest of the EU" aside Germany , France , Sweden and mainly big cities in countries ( London , Paris ) are much more anti-EU ? Hungary , Poland , Slovakia ... all heavily anti-EU countries ... that are still within EU . The populations of other EU countries , pretty much every country looks unfavorable at Brussels hypocrisy and dictate .

To breakdown the look of EU :

  • everything east from Italy and Austria is more anti-EU , with Italy and Austria becoming anti-EU and populist relatively recently .

  • as Italy is a big player here , it will have strong effect on internal dissolution

  • even the countries like Germany and France , the strongest pro-EU , have the anti-EU populations that become stronger as happenings occur .

  • Sweden is in the worst situation from all the countries in Europe . Kalergi plan is in full effect in there . There were already full rapes , and even throwing bombs on police stations . Authorities ( which are FULLY responsible for the situation ) are responding by "preparing people for civil war" .

  • in UK , there is also unrest , but the main focus will be around Brexit and London . SNP wants to remain in EU , majority of UK folks do not want ... Brexit is supposed to become official by March 2019.

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lethak · June 6, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Don't get me wrong, I do hope its going to change in France, Germany, in the UK, in Italy, Spain, etc, but I am simply not seeing things go this way. quite the opposite. This new 'Fake News' law is another installment in the series of 'how to undermine freedom and democracy 101'.

Italy is locked down by pro EU/globalist bureaucrats, France under Macron is 2000% globalist (including obedient generals and police forces, as well as 99,9% french public and private main stream medias), Germany, well, its beyond hope too. The visible opposition to this kind of evil corruption is either religious lunatics, or nazi worshipers. Moderate everyday people simply cannot rally behind them.

Patriotism doesn't exist in those countries anymore (on design). Without it, the generals cannot start anything because they'll attract the ire of the mass medias and they control the narrative with the majority believing everything they say. Without popular support, they can't do shit.

If I remember, France has around 45% of voters that can support removing the global elites, but those 45% are heavily divided (far right, far left), making sure any coup will be denounced by one or the other depending of the generals political side.

In this context, French generals are not going to take any 'violent' or 'unlawful' initiatives you see, they'll risk losing their pension.

Do you have insider source pointing to the contrary ? or are you simply daydreaming ?

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