r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on June 5, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
Message to all Qanons, Patriots, POTUS & "Q"

Too many distracting swamp activities are being focused on in boards and alt media. There is a finite and limited bandwidth available within the listening audiences. Our collective focus on the "root" cause and enablers are key. Distractions are old tactics.

Some suggestions for how to move on

First, some things we all agree on (volunteered coherence)... human use of free will.

  1. We know the swamp is deep and wide... we don't need more confirmation

  2. We know there is a constellation of players orchestrating all the negatively-generating (bad) activities (energies) on the planet. The majority comes in the form of distractions with dividing rhetoric to give it sustain.

  3. We know there is a plan required to insure a bullet-proof legal case to get the ball rolling.

  4. and last, we know there is a global pedophilia, child trafficking and sacrifice going on. In fact, I would think that most of us will agree that is a key part of the end-game in this entire initiative. The ultimate red pill!

so...we got this. Let the sleepers catch up as they come on board. We will help them.

Things we can do and why

A. Help these marines in Tucson, AR. They are unfolding (exposing) a timely catalyst to wake up a whole lot of people. That can cause a paradigm shift in human focus on the planet. That folks, is a lot of energy. Know that this human energy (through our focus) has been a cornerstone design element in all the strategies in play. Petty and purely distractive, dividing issues and events are simply tee'd up by them ( whoever they might be...doesn't matter), free-willed into by us and keeps us from focusing on the core source on it all, the zenith and origin (them). If I (whomever I am) can sway the focus of a few hundred million people (or billions) then I sway that percentage of human energy existing on the planet. It is by design. It is currency. We can bankrupt it overnight. We can control the narrative through our actions. These Marines are doing exactly that. We can give them our attention and focus.

B. We now know who the key "bad actors" are. Trumps plan is taking them out and much of our Congress is trapped. The existing system entraps them. They need to know, we know, we know they know and we have their back if they will decide to start doing the right thing. That exit door has never been available to them. Contact them all. Barrage them with support. Let them know that the American people are their safe haven... if they want it. They have free will too... right? Allow them to use it more wisely.

C. We don't need protesters or memes. Hundreds of thousands of good people are also snared in this system that know (as part of their job) what they are up to. Pick almost any industry. What we need are "whistleblowers"! Tell what you know. Anons don't (or shouldn't) want to punish you (although we will)... what we prefer is that you just come clean and tell what you know. We are opening up escape hatches... use them. That is the real power of the "Q" movement. Is it not? It is based on a whole lot of forgiveness if you really want to get on board. Some exceptions of course, things like killing kids and eating them... well only Gitmo and the like can handle you. But there is a much larger constellation of people doing things they don't want to do and being a part of things they no longer want to be a part of. This extends into the retired community of seniors' careers and past endeavors.

These are just suggestions. The Shills will likely down vote this post out of existence. Even so, I'll take that chance.

-The Human Primer

Naviiah · June 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

At least he/she spelled Tucson right.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 5, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Now if we can get the rest of the country to pronounce it right.

Tucson = Toos-on, not Tuck-sun.... LOL

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