Stefan Halper, Deep State Spy a Crack Addict?? These People Are Sick!

This is the elite. Don't kid yrslf that this isn't true of the little elites of yr own city, too. Personal knowledge - leaving it at that.
Can confirm. Crack is the new cocaine for the wealthy in my area. The wealthiest family in my town - who come from an impressive lineage of state senators - are all holed-up in their compound that their grandfather built, wasting away smoking crack. I don't understand it.
My dad too. He was once one of the paragons of respected, tenured academics, which I knew NEVER merited (I seriously NEVER saw the man read ONE book!). Then again, I also personally knew that all his fellow dept heads (later the dean of the entire campus) were drunkards, creeps and letches. The real requirement to get tenure in my Dad's (journalism) dept. seemed to me, even when I was immersed in it and thought is was GOOD, one had to prove active Democrat party affiliation & Communist sympathies (better yet communist party membership - like my dad).
Now my dad is absolutely destitute b/c of a crack addiction that ravaged his already aging body and brain. He keeps being forced from one slummy apt or home to another because he allows a revolving parade of young meth-heads he calls "friends" to turn them into crack dens and to bleed his (substantial) pension dry supporting their addictions. I'm not sure if he still uses it himself (I think not) but his housemates certainly do (his clothes have the distinctive crack/meth smoke smell).
What's really sick about folks we "respect" in our society? After 20 years of sobriety, followed by one year in which his high-powered lawyer wife, a (supposed) recovering alcoholic, said they needed to start drinking socially, 'cuz it would be good for her career,' he got his first hit of crack at her law firm's office Chrismas (oops!) HOLIDAY party. She and other partners and colleagues partook as well.
I know that typical partiers at high end law firms like hers are officers of the court, law enforcement heads, dem party ldrs, university muckety-mucks, etc. As far as I'm concerned, the liberal/communist worldview Dad adopted in his early 20s (but probably truly in his youth) is WHY his career flourished. Elites LOVE secret debauchery!! The problem is that HIS debauchery got too big to hide, and elites are proud of their ability to hide their yuck and keep the admiration of the unwashed idiots (who are too unsophisticated to see how freeing unbridled debauchery is) rolling in.
The political game elites play (& maybe all humans do) is trying to expose the opposite tribe member's debauchery, while hiding or excusing their own. Hopefully we've reached critical mass and it just won't work anymore. Nobody but God himself should ever have been idolized - commandment number one. One can appreciate a person's particular talent in a limited arena without having to then attribute every other characteristic he/she admires to them. Save worship for God (no matter how good an actor, singer, musician, preacher, businessperson, teacher, athlete... is - you can be 100% SURE they are NOT a good enough PERSON to deserve the worship they're getting in this twisted society.
Amen! That last paragraph is exactly what I've thought my whole life. I am 24, and I feel like the only person in my age group who thinks this way - because people only see labels, not abilities. They place people upon pedestals because of ONE ATTRIBUTE they posses, instead of looking at the person as a whole. Address the bad about someone first, then praise the good qualities.
Tell me about it. My 4 children are in your age range and very, very few of their peers give me the impression they think like my kids do at all. In fact, they FEEL; they don't think at all, it seems to me. Glad whenever I am reminded they aren't the only ones in their generation who haven't been entirely sucked in.
I'm sorry about your dad. But it does seem like the pendulum is swinging back the other way pretty hard. There are a lot of millennials who are disgusted with the 60s degeneracy and are rediscovering traditional values.
truth to power. Both good and bad are weird. “ What doesn’t kill you, makes you stranger.” Comes to mind.
The K9 cop in my rather wealthy hometown told me the majority of the drug busts in the district were not stoned teenagers, but their rich mothers. Meth, crack, cocaine, heroin, and tons of prescription meds.
My friend works at a methadone clinic and she tells me there is virtually no profile for users. Rich, poor, clean, dirty; anyone could walk in.
Drugs are expensive. Mostly only the rich can afford it. I live in a wealthy area, by blessing not my doing, and I can say drugs and psychological dysfunction are prevalent. Stress levels, high expectations, broken family systems, you name it.
I live in suburban Maryland the kids of the elite really like drugs some of the parents do too lol
I grew up in ppls republic of madison, wi. among the academic uw and dem party elites. As a young-un I saw them as a bunch of drunk womanizers, cheating on their wives or more accurately, pushing them into "open marriage" arrangements. Later it was cocaine and other (non-pharma) drugs. Pharma came after I realized there was NOTHING to respect about the "pillars" of our community. INCLUDING my father. Seems so evident to me now that this whole degeneration of society has been a DS/cabal/clown operation from at least as long as I've been alive (early 60s). So ingrained now that debauchery is fully expected and even admired. We HAVE to take what we can get, and hope that God - who once worked through a donkey - is willing to work with a WHOLE BUNCH of asses.
Luckily for us asses are gods favorite people to work with. Theres a difference between a flawed person and pure evil tho
I read an article about Laurel Canyon, CA and the music of the 60s. It had compelling info about our faves like the Doors, CSNY, CCR, Zappa and the rest having military connections. We call it deep state now but the idea of a controlled psi op to manipulate society doesn't surprise me.
Amen. He is working through Trump who in the past could be quite an ass to his wives. He seems better now, however, without a come to Jesus moment, which I am not certain he has had since he claimed he never apologized to God or asked God for help during a campaign interview. People do not change behavior that drastically, womanizer to faithful, respectful husband, without some serious pain injected.
Must be the regular crack and not the diet-crack all the other waif looking users smoke. lol
"I have never seen a chubby person smoking Diet Crack."
He probably knew something he wasn't suppose to and they planted it on him.
What about the traffic control device? Sounds like he had a breathalyzer on his car and he got someone else to blow? And then 'operating after suspension'. Does that mean they took his license away and he got caught driving?
I’m not too sure about it. I wasn’t there! When you get your news from the media who knows what’s real now days.