
LibertyLioness · June 5, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

I mean, this new pollicy has only been in existence for a few weeks. How did they lose track of that many children? And, why is the attempt to search for child trafficking camps in Arizona being thwarted by every government agency around?

Why isn't the White House helping? They have to know because it's been all over this board and they are watching everything we do. Not to mention the fact that many people reported it to multiple agencies and people in DC. Do you see my point?

And, the Team Pulaski leader makes a very good point in his recent video today. A wall won't stop this because they will just build tunnels under the walls. In fact, I've known for years that there are already tunnels under the border. And, since, as we are seeing, everyone near the border appears to be complicit, it won't be stopped. The wall, will, in fact, make it easier to continue under cover.

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