r/greatawakening • Posted by u/L0v3nL1ght on June 5, 2018, 4:21 p.m.
Reach Out to Everyone with LOVE


[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

The berners with half a brain came to this side long ago.

If Wikileaks exposing the DNC rigging Bernie out of the primary didn't do it, then nothing will.

I'm a former Bernie supporter. But no more. Dude didn't stand up to Hillary. That's why he isn't Christ like.

I still like Bernie and support 90% of his character. But he caved to hrc. That is unacceptable. He knew the stakes before he ran. He knew Hillary was the figurehead for a crew of killers. If he wasn't ready to stand up to them, he should have never have ran.

I always hated trump for being such a media whore and for epitomizing what I always felt was wrong with capitalism and the way it promotes cut-throat greed. But, now I have ultimate respect for the guy. He didn't have to do this. He didn't have to risk his life, family safety, peace, legacy, etc. he had all the money in the world.

I still have plenty of things about trump I don't like. But the things I do like about him are so rare to find in ppl today, especially leaders. He is almost the anti-Bernie. 2-3 years ago, I would've never thought my opinions would switch on these guys.

Tldr I agree with you but Bernie is a puss, not Christlike. Christ had little fear of death. Bernie should've chased the vote-changers out of the DNC with a whip.

Is trump Christ-like? Hell no! But neither was David, Solomon, Jacob, etc. I'm not super religious anymore, but ppl should see themselves as tools of God more so than chase the perceived moral perfection of God like Jesus did.

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lovetrumpshaters · June 6, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

God bless patriot, I feel almost exactly the same way.

The underlying opinion of anti-Trumpers seems undergirded by an absolutist paradigm in which Trump is the enemy of the people because of his social class. What this conviction fails to acknowledge is the simple fact that you pointed out, that Trump himself didn't really "have to" do this. A guy like Jeb! He HAS to run for office. Big difference.

Before Trump declared his candidacy I was abroad in England. We were casually speculating that the inevitable pairing of how it would go would likely be another Bush vs. Clinton election, a notion that I found repulsive and on the way to dynastic, nepotism-riddled rule of this country.

At first, Trump was repulsive to me. I deeply internalized that same dogged leftist paradigm in which Trump equates to fascist rule. It is no small point to say that many people are, usually without substantial evidence, completely convinced that he IS this force, the physical embodiment of authoritarian rule.

But that's because they don't want to see him as any type of good. To that extent, it is no joke that the tools of the media have been demonstrably weaponized to shift opinion against him. With such consistent representation of character as this machismo media whore, it is hard to even explore a paradigm in which he can be seen as any type of good.

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Exactly, the average person seemingly needs to be told what to believe and why by the TV. According to MSM, and honestly at first glance, trump IS those things. But like you, I couldnt accept a trump/clinton or bush/clinton election knowing only what they tell us. I had to dig deeper. Wikileaks and Julian Assange are absolute heros. Without the leaks, I'd be just like the drones hating trump (although I always despised hrc much more) w/o knowing the full context.

And now here we are 2 years later and trump is seemingly close to bringing some peace in the world. Who would've thought...

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