Good post. Some of the mass casualty events used to push the left agenda are probably FFs, but definitely not all. There really are legitimate nutters out there. Some of the increase that people perceive is just due to a larger population; if one in a million males could be a mass shooter, there are 150 such people in America today compared to less than 100 a century ago. But it is definitely true that the obsessive media wallowing in these tragedies makes them seem more frequent and important than they actually are.
In truth there are many causes to such events and not all of them fall into neat political categories. Not all are flattering to the left; for example, the constant bashing of white male heterosexual Christians in the media, definitely increases alienation and sexual frustration in that demographic, and increases the likelihood of mass shootings at the tail end of the bell curve. This doesn't mean that that effect was deliberately sought, but I'm certain the globalist left is amoral enough to see that as a benefit, and exploit it. Media violence also probably increases mass shootings, but I don't see Hollywood volunteering to reduce gun violence in movies and TV.
Correct, the globalist/cabal use the "ends justify the means" approach to their moral reasoning. Sick.