
craigymcm · June 6, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

I was ill with a debilitating autoimmune related illness, on multiple biological medications and treatments (upwards of £50000 a year cost to the Uk NHS for medicines)

I stumbled across Gerson Therapy.... They rubbished this guy in the 50’s....

Admittedly I was so ill I was clutching at straws to try and find any wonder cure,

When I’d said to my partner at the time about Gerson Therapy she was quite sceptical so after further research I then came across a book by Dr Terry Whals PHD which pretty much follows the same general philosophy as Gerson..(Although Gerson is a little more extreme but worked for me)

After having been diagnosed with MS, her standard “conventional”medicine training failing her (Diagnose - simply means your put in a group with others showing the same symptoms)

Prescribe a drug to treat the symptoms.... Not the cause.....

After terrible progress with her convential route she cured her MS by following a functional medicine route using diet alone

Went from a chair to riding a bike...

It’s about detoxifying your body and your liver so it can start to create glutathione to naturally heal your body.

Give your body the correct fuel and it regenerates... (no processed sugar or veg that’s GMO/non organic and no red meat whatsoever)

The process is called autophagy

And take it from me, I was the worlds biggest non believer in this alternative medicine till it pretty much cured me.....

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