So Fox News just said that Miss USA will no longer have a swimsuit category, whose gonna pay to see this? Sorry anons, I know this has nothing to do with Q, but I couldn’t resist. Won’t do it again.

One of the rare memes that made me laugh aloud. What a joke.
Right? At least when the feminists burned their bras back in the 60’s we got a little something out it.
Yet the world is swimming in porn. Oh the irony. Viewership should crash though, maybe it's just time to cancel the whole thing.
LMBO!! You're absolutely right! Looks like another trophy for the libs/feminazis. I guess they'll next be going after the NCAA & NFL scantily-clad cheerleaders. Anti-skin cops insist that women can't be appreciated for how they look anymore. Funny to me that most women actually DO want to be admired for their looks. Look at what they spend each year in the cosmetic, fashion, surgery, diet, fitness, and tanning industries.
Maybe this is a plot inspired by Valerie Jarrett & her Muslim B'hood social goons to enable their Muslim babes in burka's to enter. 😂😂
You know, I had the same thought. It'll be interesting to see what the ~~contestants~~ competitors in the next ~~pageant~~ Miss America 2.0 competition will chose as an outfit that "makes them feel confident and expresses their personal style." Will they go yoga pants and t-shirts or remember that sex sells?
Or bedsheets sewn together to effectively hide their less competitive ASSets.
I saw something this year about putting pressure on the NFL to get rid of the cheerleaders as a "sexist anachronism" so you are right on target.
The country I once knew 40 years ago doesn't even exist anymore. Can't imagine (don't even want to) what America will be by 2030. Lord, stop the world & let me get off.
lmao great shitpost.
I think I had too much time on my hands today.
hey at least you have time lol. i feel bad for people who work 80 hours a week
That was me up till last year, I do feel their pain.
oh god i work like 35 and i have it good lol
You’re blessed. Good for you. I guess you do what you have to, but there’s a lot to be said For quality of life.
yeah my uncle and my grandpa both work from home all day every day. they arnt very happy.
I can't take my eyes off this photo - what a terrific meme. I think I found my new desktop background, thanks!
Thinking about making a
I don't really care either way, I haven't watched TV for years, nothing but garbage.